Worms and other intestinal parasites are found in every part of the world. They are more common in tropical and sub tropical
areas and are more common during the rainy season. Most of these worms and parasites enter in the human body either through
the mouth or through the skin of the feet.
Round worms, are the giant worms present in the intestines that cause the disease known as ascariasis. It is found in almost
all the countries. These worms are off-white in color, are long and thick and are most frequently seen in children. Eggs produced
by them are passed in stools. When children play in the soil contaminated with the eggs, they are easily transferred to the
mouth via dirty fingers, particularly by children living under unhygienic conditions.
Roundworm eggs may remain alive in the soil for many months. There is always greater danger of contamination where human wastes
are used in fertilizing vegetables. Great care must be taken to be sure all foods are thoroughly cleansed and sterilized by
cooking before being used.
When the round worm eggs reach the duodenum or small bowel they quickly hatch. The young worms borrow into the intestinal
wall and then migrate to the liver and from there to the heart and lungs, producing bronchitis. Later they reach the small
intestines again where they develop into mature worms causing nausea and vomiting, loss of weight, fever, nervousness, and
irritability. Many patients complain of colicky pains and diarrhea. A mass of writhing worms in the intestines may produce
complete obstruction of the bowel.
The adult worms may migrate through the intestinal walls and cause severe peritonitis. They may find their way into other
areas, causing appendicitis, gall-bladder trouble, and liver disease. When the worms die, they cause toxic reactions, such
as swelling of the face, loss of appetite and severe nervous symptoms.
HOOKWORM: It is a serious disease caused by small worms, which attach themselves to the walls of the intestines. Within the
bowel they cause serious bleeding, and poison the patient as well. Hookworm infections are found mainly in warm, moist areas
of the tropics, but are also found in some temperate zones.
It is most frequent in rural areas where the soil is loose and sandy where there are improper sanitary facilities. The tiny
larval forms passed into the soil via stools enter the body through bare foot causing local itching and inflammation. Then
they enter the smaller blood vessels and are carried to the lungs where they make their way to one of the bronchial tubes
and then down into the small intestine and finally develop into adult worms. As the worms pass through the lungs they cause
severe bronchitis.
Hookworms may live in the body for several years. They feed mainly on the blood. They produce a toxin, which increase the
bleeding produced by the bite of the worm.
Patients with hookworm disease appear pale and are weak. They complain of dizziness, ringing in the ears, headache and are
easily fatigued. The hair is dry, and the facial expressions dull and apathetic. In severe cases the heart is enlarged, and
there may be swelling in all the tissues of the body. Shortness of breath occurs on slightest exertion. Nausea and vomiting
are frequent. Children may develop mental retardation and growth is also impaired. Women and men may develop impotency.
PINWORMS: These are small white worms about a quarter of an inch in length. It is also limited to rural areas like other intestinal
infections. Children are the most affected but adults may also suffer from this disease.
The adult worms live in the upper part of the colon, feeding on the intestinal contents. Mature female worms store eggs in
there body and then migrate out through the colon and rectum to the skin where they lay eggs. These eggs bring on intense
itching, causing the patient to scratch in the area around the rectum so that many of the eggs are picked up by the fingers
under the nails. From there they are transferred to the mouth and are swallowed. They hatch in the stomach and then migrate
down to the lower bowel and in this way the cycle continues.
Some people have slight infections of pinworms without any noticeable symptoms. But others complain of severe itching around
the anal areas, a poor appetite, and loss of weight, bed-wetting, sleeplessness, and irritability, grinding of teeth, nausea,
and vomiting and even appendicitis in some cases. Pinworms sometimes migrate into the vagina and cause intense itching and
inflammation of the female genital tract.
TAPEWORM INFECTIONS : These vary in size. Some tapeworms are only a few inches long; others measure from ten to thirty feet
or more in length. Cattle may develop the disease by grazing on grass contaminated with human wastes and thus pick up the
eggs of these parasites. Human contract the disease by eating incompletely cooked meat from such animals.
The symptoms vary depending on how many worms are present in the bowel. Tapeworms are present for years without producing
any symptoms. Some patients complain of hunger pain, which is sharp and stabbing but immediately relieved by eating. There
may be some anemia, which is cured when worms are removed.
· Dietary fibre may help to reduce the rate of Giardia lamblia by inducing mucous secretion and reducing the attachment of
the trophozoites. Fibre may also prevent the growth of beneficial bacteria and provide an environment, which is harmful to
· Garlic has long been used traditionally to treat bacterial, viral and protozoal diseases.
· Eat 1 cup of grated Carrot in the morning 1 hour before breakfast for 4-5 days.
Mix 1 tblspn raw Papaya juice with1 tspn of honey, take this first thing in the morning. This should be followed by a glass
of warm milk, to which 1 tspn of castor oil has been added. This treatment should be done for 2 days.
· Drink aloe Vera juice to eliminate worms.
· Eat fresh garlic and pumpkin seeds to get rid of worms.
Take bistort, black walnut, cascara sagrada, chamomile, garlic, herbal pumpkin, male fern, papaya, primrose root, or taheebo
to expel the worms.
Place a drop of black walnut extract on the tongue three times a day for several days as a preventative measure in children.
· Take 1/2 tsp of powdered fenugreek seeds (methi) with water for a few days.
· Eat a few tomatoes in the morning empty stomach.
· Eat cranberries or papayas frequently. Fasting on raw pineapples for three days kills tapeworm. Cranberries, papaya and
fresh pineapple contain enzymes that are anti-parasitic.
· Fry 5-10 seeds of bitter melon (Karela) in a little ghee. Take 2-3 times a day.
· Use cloves with every meal. It will help kill the eggs from parasites in the intestinal tract.
· Mix pumpkin seeds and onions with soymilk. It is a good remedy for worms.
· Drink 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water to prevent worms.
· Raw pineapples are good to kill tapeworms.
· Thoroughly cook meats and fish. Do not eat raw or uncooked meats or fish.
· Wash your hands before eating and after going to the bathroom, changing diapers, or handling pets.
· Do not walk barefoot on warm, moist soil or while working in the garden.