The inflammation of the bladder is caused due to infection, and it is known as Cystitis and is a bacterial infection that
affects any part of the urine tract. The urine normally contains fluid, salts and waste products, when it has bacteria in,
it causes the infection that makes irritation of the bladder wall, which can lead to stiffening of the bladder and even bleeding.
Bladder infection is a condition that tends to affect women more acutely than men. It is a very painful problem which needs
immediate attention. If detected in the earlier stages itself, it can be prevented averting serious damage to your health
in the long run. This problem generally arises when the bacteria in the rectum enters the urethra due to improper cleaning.
It can also be caused due an infection in the kidneys.
# Drink lots of water to flush out the kidneys. Coconut water helps as a diuretic and flushes out the kidneys and bladder
thus easing the symptoms.
# Barley water also helps in cleaning of toxins from the kidneys and bladder. A good diuretic and home remedy.
# Drink 1 glass of cranberry juice a day.
# Drink radish juice to help with the bladder inflammation.
# Drink watermelon juice.
# Steam asparagus and drink the water.
# Drink fresh onion juice.
# To increase urine, eat a lot of parsley.
# To increase urine, eat a uncooked potato with no salt.
# Bedouin med for bladder inflammation: boil 3 onions in 5 cups of water for 20 minutes. Drink 2 cups, 3-4 sips each
# Eat a lot of celery.
# Make barley tea and drink.
# Eat yogurt daily.
# Eat garlic and cabbage daily.
# Eat grapefruits to help with the inflammation
# Boil parsley in water, strain and drink the water.
# Drink 2-3 glasses of pomegranate juice every day.
# Make tea from corn fiber, parsley and rosmery
# Ayurvedic herbs Punarnava and Gokhru decoctions help in relieving symptoms of UTI.
# Mix a mixture of half a spoon of baking soda with half a glass of water and drink it 2-3 times a day.
# Avoid foods that are sour, spicy, junk and hot or pungent as they increase the burning sensation. Avoid alcohol, smoking
and non-veg diet.