Gastritis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, sometimes accompanied by more or less severe constitutional
manifestations. Gastritis is a condition that has many causes. Common to all people with gastritis is pain or discomfort in
the upper part of the belly (abdomen), sometimes called dyspepsia.
Diet, such as improper food; too hot or too cold food or drink; spoiled or too highly seasoned foods, canned goods and spoiled
meats. To be a little more explicit. The poisoning will produce gastric fever with typhoid and septic symptoms.
Symptoms of gastritis do not always correspond to the extent of physical changes in the lining of the stomach.
* The stomach lining can be examined with an endoscope, a thin probe with a tiny camera on the end that can be inserted into
the stomach.
* Severe gastritis may be present when the stomach is viewed without symptoms being present.
* Severe gastritis symptoms may be present despite only minor changes in the stomach lining.
* Elderly people in particular have a much higher likelihood of developing painless stomach damage. They may have no symptoms
at all (no nausea, vomiting, pain) until they are suddenly taken ill with internal bleeding.
· Coconut water is an excellent remedy for gastritis. It provides minerals and vitamins to the stomach. Coconut greatly helps
in bringing the normal condition of the stomach within a few hours.
· Rice gruel is another excellent remedy for acute cases of gastritis. One cup of rice gruel is recommended twice daily
· Potato juice has been found effective in relieving gastritis. The recommended dose is half a cup of the juice, two or three
times daily, half an hour before meals.
· The herb marigold is also considered beneficial in the treatment of gastritis. A tablespoon may be taken twice daily.
· The patient should avoid the use of alcohol, tobacco, spices and condiments, meat, red pepper, sour foods, pickles, strong
tea and coffee. He should also avoid sweet, pastries, rich cakes, and, aerated waters.
· The patient should not do any hard physical and mental work. He should keep himself away from worries and mental tension.
· Eight to ten glasses of water should be taken daily. Water should not be taken with meals as it dilutes the food.
· Apply heat with a hot compress or hot water bottle, twice a daily, either on an empty stomach or two hours after meals.
It is also beneficial.
· Chewing a small piece of fresh ginger with salt, five to ten minutes before meals makes the digestion easy and fast.
· The patient fast for two of three days or more, depending on the severity of the condition. He should be given only warm
water to drink during this period. This will give rest to the stomach and allow the toxic condition causing the inflammation
to subside.
· A teaspoon of seeds of Ajwain with a little salt is a good remedy for gastritis
· Wear clothing that isn't too tight around your waist and abdomen. Don't lie down after eating, or do a lot of bending and
lifting. Go for a 30 minutes walk
· Peppermint is also believed to act against indigestion, and has the additional property of calming the gastrointestinal
tract. Aloe Vera juice also helps to reduce the symptoms of the gastritis.
· Raw broccoli helps to fight against the heartburn. The fiber in the broccoli will bind to the acids and provide excellent
· Mix a little bit of salt and sugar on your hand and eat it. It really works.
· Curds and cottage cheese can be used freely.
· Eating several almonds can relieve heartburn. Eat dried figs, and dried or fresh papaya. These foods are rich in digestive
· Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 glass of water and drink to get the relief.
. Drink Aloe vera juice 30ml twice a day to provide instant relief to the stomach lining. Aloe vera is a very good antoxidant
and as such helps in removing toxins from the body.
. Pour a cup of boiling water on 2 teaspoons of peach leaves and wait for 10 minutes. Drink 3 times a day.
. Eat figs or immerse in warm water, strain and drink the water.
. Gastritis treatment: Chop chick peas (hummus) and eat.
. Put half a teaspoon of licorice root tea in a cup of hot water, wait 10 minutes, strain and drink. Repeat 3 times
. Chop turmeric leaves, put in a cup of milk and drink.
. Chop guava leaves and eat or blanch the leaves, stir it and drink the water.