The testis is composed of up to 900-coiled seminiferous tubules, each averaging more than 0.5 meter long, in which the sperm
are formed. The sperm than empty in to the epididymitis, another coiled tube about 6 meters long. The epididymis leads into
the vas deferens, which enlarges in to the ampulla of the vas deferens immediately before the vas enters the body of the prostrate
gland. A seminal vesicle, one located on each side of the prostrate, empties into the prostatic end of the ampulla, and the
contents from both the ampulla and the seminal vesicle pass into an ejaculatory duct leading through the body of the prostrate
gland to empty from the prostrate gland into the ejaculatory duct. Finally the urethra is the last connecting link from the
testis to the exterior.
The prostrate gland secrets a thin, milky fluid that contains citrate ion, calcium, phosphate ion, a clotting enzyme, and
a profibrinolysin. During emission, the capsule of the prostrate gland contracts simultaneously with the contractions of the
vas deferens so that the thin, milky fluid of the prostrate glands adds further to the bulk of the semen. Slightly characteristic
of the prostatic fluid may be quite important for successful fertilization of the ovum because the fluid of the vas deferens
is relatively acidic owing to the presence of citric acid and metabolic end products of the sperm and consequently, helps
to inhibit sperm fertility.
The vaginal secretions of the female are acidic. Sperm do not become optimally motile until the pH of the surrounding fluids
rises to about 6.5. Consequently, it is probable the prostatic fluid helps to neutralize the acidity of these other fluids
after ejaculation and thus enhances the motility and fertility of the sperm.
The prostate gland remains relatively small throughout childhood and begins to grow at puberty under the stimulus of testosterone.
This gland reaches an almost stationary size by the age of 20 years and remains at the size up to the age of 50 years. At
that time in some men it begins to involutes, along with the decreased production of testosterone by the testes.
A benign prostatic fibro adenoma frequently develops in the prostate in many older men and can cause urinary obstruction.
This hypertrophy is not caused by testosterone.
Cancer of the prostate gland is a common cause of death, resulting in about 3% of all male deaths. Once cancer of the prostate
gland does occur the cancerous cells are usually stimulated to more rapid growth by testosterone and are inhibited by removal
of prostatic cancer that has already metastasized to almost all the bones of the body can be successfully treated for a few
months to years by removal of the testes, by estrogen therapy, or by both. After this therapy the metastases usually diminish
in size and the bones partially heal. This treatment does not stop the cancer but does slow it and sometimes greatly diminishes
the severe bone pain.
· For prostatitis omega 3 fish oil tablets and green tea is very effective.
· Saw palmetto helps relieve benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and promotes prostrate health.
· Take bee pollen and ginseng to give strength to the prostate and to increase endurance.
· Take garlic and goldenseal to fight against prostate infection.
· Take cayenne, ginger, queen of the meadow, and ura ursi as a preventative measure.
· Take juniper berries and parsley together for a swollen prostate caused by water retention.
· Take corn silk for pain during urination caused by prostate diseases.
· Tomatoes are very good as a preventative measure for men, it helps to prevent the diseases of the prostrate.
· Pumpkin seeds are an effective home remedy for prostate problems.
· Vegetable juices have been found beneficial in the treatment of prostate problems, including prostate enlargement. The juice
of carrots, taken separately in a 500 ml quantity, or in combination with spinach juice, is especially valuable. In the case
of combined juices, 200 ml of spinach juice should be mixed with 300 ml of carrot juice to prepare 500 ml or half a litre
of combined juices.
· Zinc has been found valuable in cases of prostate disorders. About thirty milligrams of zinc should be taken daily in the
treatment of these diseases.
· Vitamin E has proved to be very effective in the treatment of prostatic diseases. Good sources of Vitamin E are wholegrain
products, green leafy vegetables, eggs, milk, and all raw or sprouted.
· Heavy starches, sweet stimulants, and highly seasoned foods should be avoided because they cause direct irritation to the
prostate gland and bladder.
· The diet should also exclude spices, condiments, salt in excess, sauces, and meats, cheese, asparagus, watercress, greasy
or fried foods, alcohol, tobacco, and too much of tea or coffee.
· The patient should avoid hurried meals and must chew his food thoroughly and slowly. Water should be taken between meals
and not at meal times.
· Hot and cold applications are highly beneficial in the treatment of prostate disorders.
· A wet girdle pack is another valuable remedy in the realm of hydrotherapy, which provides great relief in prostatitis and
prostate enlargement.
· The patient should avoid sexual excess, irregularities in eating and drinking, long periods of sitting, and vigorous exercise.
· Lycopene it is a bioflavovoid extracted from tomato, it reduces dribbling or frequency. Is a powerful antioxidant that prevents
prostate cancer.
· Do not control the natural urge of passing urine. Urinate when you first get the urge.
· Avoid alcohol, tobacco and coffee, especially after dinner. Avoid mental exertion at work place and at home.
· Avoid drinking fluids from two hours before going to bed.
· Avoid cold and cough medications that contain decongestants or antihistamines. These medications can increase BPH symptoms.
· Avoid drinking excess amount of liquids. Distribute the intake of fluids throughout day.