Many people around the world suffer from common cold at one time or the other. Sneezing, coughing, runny nose, congested nose,
all are symptoms of a common cold. It may be remembered that one should not take common cold lightly as a passing phase. Though
it is a viral infection, neglect may result in severe complications. Although the common cold is usually mild, with symptoms
lasting 1 to 2 weeks, it is a leading cause of doctor visits and missed days from school and work.Seasonal changes in relative
humidity also may affect the prevalence of colds. The most common cold-causing viruses survive better when humidity is low—the
colder months of the year. Cold weather also may make the inside lining of your nose drier and more vulnerable to viral infection.
Symptoms of the common cold usually begin 2 to 3 days after infection and often include
* Mucus buildup in your nose
* Difficulty breathing through your nose
* Swelling of your sinuses
* Sneezing
* Sore throat
* Cough
* Headache
· Vitamins are most helpful in fighting against the cold as well as other diseases. Vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic Acid,
is helpful in preventing the colds and it can be found in many foods such as citrus fruits, some vegetables.
· Zinc is also helpful for cold that can cut colds short. When you first feel that you may be getting a cold, start taking
· Garlic, as well as onion, is sometimes taken for the relief of congestion and minor infections.
· Horseradish is another herb that has an excellent property to treat sore throat and upper respiratory tract infections,
reduces fever, and expels concentrations of mucus.
· Another effective remedy for sore throat is to gargle with a strong solution of table salt and warm water. Gargle several
times a day.
· Echinacea is an herb that acts as nature's antibiotic. It helps to increase the body's immunity and thus helps in fighting
against the infection and illness.
· Goldenseal is another herb that acts as a natural antibiotic, and can be taken to help fight against the cold.
· Add 1/4 teaspoon of table salt to about 5 ml lukewarm water. Use this solution as a nasal drop. Use 1 to 2 drops in each
nostril about 3 to 4 times daily.
· A ginger tea can be prepared by boiling ginger in normal tea. It gives relief to congested nose.
· Drink a teaspoonful of ginger juice mixed with equal quantity of honey.
· Take hot water in a bowl and put some Thyme leaves. Inhale vapors by covering head with a towel.
· Add 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 shot of lemon juice, 1 shot of whiskey to a coffee cup. Fill the remainder of the coffee cup
with steaming hot water, stir, and sip until cold is relieved.
· Make hot chicken soup with lots of garlic. Have when hot. It will help unclog nasal passage.
· Warm ¼ katori mustard; add 4-5 cloves of chopped garlic. Apply this on nose, chest and back. Cover up and sleep.
· Boil half a bowl of water, add few drops of eucalyptus oil and inhale the steam.
· Sage is used to cure sore throat, stuffed nose, gingivitis and coughs, is a powerful antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal.
Use as a gargle.
· Warm up coconut oil. Gently massage the coconut oil over the child's chest for about 5 minutes. Repeat the same on the upper
portion of the back. The massage should be given just before child goes to sleep.
· Avoid sugar (even natural sources) as it can impair immune function. Orange juice contains a much higher level of sugar
than vitamin C. Therefore consuming lots of orange juice during a cold may do more harm than good.
· Chilies, especially Jalapeno, are the best, most available and most effective antiviral.
· Elderberry has been used for centuries to treat colds and flu. Recent research indicates that elderberry fruit extract may
de-activate cold and flu viruses by preventing them from replicating.
· A diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, low saturated fats and whole cereals will provide protection against infective
organism. Raw fruits and vegetables are better than the cooked one.
· Take 1 tbsp of fresh gooseberry juice with 1/2 tsp ginger. It is a very effective remedy. This can be taken regularly to
prevent recurrence of cold.
· A tablespoon of ajwain crushed in the palms and tied up in a thin kerchief can be used for inhalation to relieve nasal block.
· Boil 1 tbsp of pepper powder in a cup of milk along with a pinch of turmeric. Add some sugar for taste. Drink this once
a day for three days.
. A good remedy which I have found useful in the case of congested nose, is that, boil water for about a few minutes,
remove from the fire, throw in a small leaf of cabbage, cover yourself with a thick towel, and inhale the vapours. This is
a very good remedy to decongest your blocked nose.
. A mixture of Camphor, Thymol and Menthol, powdered and mixed together, results in an oily solution. Keep this handy.
Mix in it cinnamon oil, clove oil, eucalyptus oil, and your oil for cold is ready. Apply a little on your nose, chest and
back and you will get relief. There will be a severe burning effect like any other mentholated balms. So apply only a little
oil on the nose.
A good herbal tea helps relieve congestion and decreases the intensity of colds.
The following herbs can be used to make a good tea.
* 5-6 Ajwain leaves
* 1 piece of ginger or soonth about 1 inch
* 4-5 grains of black pepper crushed
* 2 leaves of lemon grass
* 1/2 spoon of turmeric powder
* 1/2 onion sliced
* About 100 gms jaggery or gur
* 10-15 leaves of holy basil or tulsi
* 750 ml of water
Boil water with all the ingredients in it and reduce the quantity to half. Filter it. Divide into 4 doses. Consume it hot.
Excellent home remedy for colds, coughs and mild fever.