The human beings are blessed with five sensory organs and eyes are one among them. The eyes move several times a day to
bring the objects in focus. Due to its sharp focus one is able to see the far distant objects and the minute ones like needles.
Any error in the functioning of the eye results in vision defects or problems. The common vision defects are:
· Myopia (short sightedness)
· Hypermetropia (long sightedness)
· Astigmatism
· Presbyopia
Myopia refers to the error in focusing the distant objects by the eye as a result the objects appear blurred. This situation
can be corrected by using concave lens. The near objects can be seen clearly.
In Hypermetropia the distant objects can be seen clearly but the eye is not able to focus on the near objects that gives
blurred image. This can be corrected by convex lens.
Astigmatism is the vision problem that occurs when the cornea is oval in shape instead of being spherical. It occurs along
with myopia or hypermetropia. An astigmatic lens is used to correct the situation.
Presbyopia occurs after the age of forty years. In this condition the lens loses its elasticity and the ability to focus
on close objects is also affected. It can be corrected by using convex lens while reading or doing any other close work.
Cataract and eyestrain are the eye problems that affect the individuals.
Causes of Eye Problems
The various causes of various eye problems are:
· Reading in inadequate light
· Working on computer for longer periods
· Inadequate diet specially the diet deficient in vitamin A
· Watching television from close
* Mix one part of rose water and one part of lime juice. Store in a bottle and use it as an eye drop. This is very useful
home remedy for eye care.
* Intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin A is necessary for healthy vision.
* Eating spinach will help in preventing various eye problems as it contains carotenoid.
* Using drops of eyebright herb are also beneficial for the eye conditions.
* The consumption of good amount of vitamin C lowers the chances of developing cataracts. Amalaki Supplement offers Natural
Vitamin C for eye care.
* Daily intake of walnut for few days reduces the weakness of the eyes.
* Make a mixture of 4 grams of alum powder and 30 grams of rose water. Put 2-3 drops of this mixture in each eye every
night to get relief from eyestrain and redness in the eyes. This is good home remedy for eye care.
* Fill a green bottle with water and keep it in sunlight for one day, use this water to wash the eyes regularly. This
will help in curing myopia.
* Grind almonds, fennel and sugar candy in equal amounts to form a paste and store it in a glass container. Chew 10 grams
of this mixture daily at night with 250 grams of milk. This is the effective method in the treatment of myopia.
* For improving eyesight massage the soles and toes of foot with mustard oil daily.
* Harmful radiation of X-rays and microwave also cause damage to the eyes. So they should be avoided.
* Smoking should be avoided as the toxic substance in the smoke cause damage to the eyes.
* Boil 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds in 1 cup of water and cool. Use this as eye drops. This is one of effective home remedies
for eye care.
* For the prevention of cataract make a mixture of 10 grams of onion juice, 10 grams honey and 2 grams Borneo camphor.
Store the mixture in a glass bottle and apply every night to the eyes.
* Mangoes are a very rich source of vitamin A and calcium. During summers at least 100 grams of mangoes should be consumed
* Carrots and tomatoes should be consumed regularly for normal vision.
* Washing the eyes with cold water will give relief from strain and will soothe the eyes.
* Triphala is a good herbal eye tonic. Steep one tablespoonful of powder in an 8 ounce glass of water overnight. In the
morning, strain the infusion through a clean cloth. The resultant tea is used to sprinkle over the eyes or used in an eye
* Usage of rose water and lime juice in equal amount, as an eye drops is a very effective method of regaining eyes strength.
* A balanced diet is to be taken to provide good nourishment to the eyes.
* One should take sufficient amount of vitamin A which is very helpful in preventing eyes problem.
* Eating spinach also helps in improving eye sight.
* Consumption of vitamin C which has been present in amla is very much recommended to improve eyesight.
* Consumption of walnut daily is also said to improve eye sight.
* Rose water mixed with potash alum in one seventh of its quantity is put in eyes (two to three drops) are very effective
in treating eyes ailments.
* Using water filled in green bottle kept in sunlight for washing eyes helps eyes regaining lost eye sight and for getting
away with the eye ailments.
* Almonds, fennel and sugar candy are taken in equal amount and made a paste out of it. Two table spoon of this paste
is consumed with warm mild during bed time help in fading away with the eye ailments.
* Massaging of palms and soles with the warm mustard oil triggers certain points in brain that helps in relive congestion
in eyes.
* One should avoid exposure to radiations like that from sun, microwaves, X-rays etc as there are main culprits in damaging
eyes in present era.
* Smoking is also a major factor that is affecting eyes these days.
* Consuming mangoes are also good for our eyes as it is a rich source of vitamin a and calcium.
* Regularly wash your eyes with cold water as it helps in relieving congestion in eyes.
* Consume tomatoes and carrot regularly to make your eyes healthy and fit.
· Palming - sit on a comfortable chair and keep a table in front of you. Now rest your elbows on the table. Rub your palms
with each other and Keep them on your cheeks and eyes. Sit in this position for about 10 minutes to discover new freshness
in your eyes.
· Blinking - blinking of eyes 15 times regularly per hour helps in increasing circulation in eyes.
· Rotation - rotate your pupil in all the directions while keeping your head and back straight. It should be performed
15 times per hour.
· Pupil exercises - rotate the pupils up and down for at least 6 times while keeping the neck and backbone straight.
A young child may complain about many things but he rarely complains about his eyes. His vision may be blurred, and he
may even see double but he does not know much about it. Proper eye care should begin even before the child is born. Young
children should always be protected against strong sunlight, for this may damage the sensitive nerves of the eye. Looking
at the sun without proper protection is also harmful.
Many things can occur with the eyes of a growing child.
Parents must observe the following signs:
· Inflamed or watery eyes may be due to rubbing of the eyelids. It could also occur due to eyestrain.
· Blinking and frowning may indicate some eye condition that should be looked for.
· Covering and eye so that the other may see is another important sign of eye trouble. The two eyes may not be in proper
· Frequent crying and headaches should also be looked for.
· Eye troubles in children are often due to using the eyes in a poor light. The child's eyelids may be red and swollen
and watering more than usual. Indirect lighting is best, both at home, at school, or at work. Light colored walls and ceilings
are best because they diffuse the light in all directions.
· Do not allow your child to watch movies or television for long periods of time, as this puts strain upon the eyes and
nervous system. When a small speck of dirt gets into the eye, there is instant feeling of pain and tears from the eyes.
· The areas around the eye are easily injured by a blow or due to other reason. Soon the skin around the eye turns black
because many of the smaller blood vessels under the skin have been torn. Infections of the eyelids are usually due to some
· Use a few drops of honey, ghee or sesame oil in the eyes.
· Boil 1/2 teaspoon of fennel seeds in 1 cup of water until it has reduced to half. Cool and use as eye drops.
· Put 3 drops of rose water in the eyes daily to give soothing effect to the eyes.
· Soak a cotton pad in rose water, milk or aloe vera juice and apply to closed eyes for 10-20 minutes while lying down
· Place a slice of cucumber on each eye for some time.
· Boil 2 or 3 figs and 1 tablespoon of raisins in 1 cup of milk. Drink each morning to improve the eyesight.
· Grind about half a cup each of almonds, raw sugar and aniseeds. Divide into 40 doses and take one each day with a cup
of warm milk.
· Rinse the eyes with water daily. Rest eyes if working for long periods.
· Prepare a mixture by adding some cardamom seeds with 1 tablespoon of honey. Eat daily.
· Carrot juice is very good for eyes. It contains beta-carotene, which is rich in vitamin A and essential to maintain
good eyesight.
· Walk bare footed on green grass with morning due early in the morning.
· B-complex and cod liver oil also helps to increase eyesight.
· To refresh tired eyes try the palming method to refresh eyes. Simply cup your hands and place your Palms over your eyes.
· There should be a break between the regular works. First, blink your eyes several times. While you keep your eyes closed,
roll your eyeballs both clockwise and anticlockwise and take a deep breath. Gradually open your eyes while releasing your
breath. It serves as a good workout for the eyes.
· While working for long hours, look at distant objects either in your office or outside at least for 15 minutes before
getting back to the work.
· Splash water on your face while closing your eyes during the break.
· Keep two used tea bags in the refrigerator place the tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes as you relax. This not
only soothes tired eyes, but also reduces swelling.
· Drink plenty of water. It will help to reduce the swelling under the eyes.
· Reduce smoking and alcohol consumption (either alone or combined) as it causes irreversible optic nerve damage. As both
nicotine and alcohol are nerve toxins.
· If dirt enters your eyes, do not rub as this may cause the dirt to stick inside. Blink several times to start your tears
flowing; this will help flush out the dirt.
· A balanced diet, regular sleep habits, a balance between work and rest, ad exercises -- all play an important role in
maintaining our health and helping us maintain our eyesight.
· Honey helps in curing eye ailments like itching of the eyes and conjunctivitis. In fact, regular intake and external
application is said to prevent glaucoma in the initial stages of the disease.
· For a black eye apply cold water to the injured area at once. This will help to control the bleeding and relieve the
pain. For immediate relief wrap a small piece of ice in a thin clothe and apply this directly to the eye till the pain and
swelling subsides.
· If the eyelids are swollen because of the insect bites or infection, add one tablespoon or Epsom salt and an equal amount
of ordinary salt to a pint of boiled water. Warm this solution before applying it to the eyelid. Dip a cotton swab in the
solution and apply to the swollen lid. Repeat this four or five times a day.
· Apply warm, moist compresses several times a day treating the infection for at least ten minutes each time.
· Plain warm water may be used. Most infection will disappear within a few days with this simple treatment.
· Avoid rubbing the eyes with dirty fingers and infected towels or handkerchiefs.
· Avoid the use of strong soaps and anything else that may irritate the skin, especially around the eyes.
Arnica is good for bruising, black eyes, and bleeding. It can be taken internally every hour if needed until the eye feels
better or when the bruise and swelling is decreased. It is also good for eye socket injuries, and for injury to the soft tissue
surrounding the eyes.
Hypericum is used for eye injury, excessively painful eyes or blood shot eyes or any nervous affliction of the eyelids
or eyes, such as excessive blinking. Also used for eye pain, which follows removal of a foreign object from the eye. Also
for long-lasting enduring pain.
Ledum can be useful for bruising or black eyes if Arnica does not alleviate the problem. The keynote for using ledum is
the presence of puncture wounds.
Symphytum is beneficial for eyeball injuries, such as being hit with a snowball, a tennis or baseball, or any other blunt
object striking the eye.
Ruta graviolens is useful for eyestrain, computer eyes, or close up work. For painful, red, hot eyes. Also for headache
due to eyestrain.
Belladonna is good for sudden onset of red, hot, burning, itchy eyes.
Aconite relieves the pain and inflammation in an eye injury, usually given as the first line of defense as soon as the
injury or trauma has occurred. It is also given for pain due to a foreign object in the eye, however, the object must be removed
accordingly. Aconite's relief is just temporary and immediate.
Apis is useful for swelling, heat, allergy eyes, and pressure sensation.
China may help dimming of the vision.