Everybody feels once in a while, down, blue, hopeless, pessimistic and bored of life. A low lying feeling, or down in the
dumps feeling, is better known medically as depression. Depression can be mild or very severe. Depression is a mental health
disorder that can affect the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think about things. A
depressive disorder is more than a passing mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness, and it cannot be willed or wished
It is a psychological situation linked to events in day to day life. Usually it passes off in time.
Three of the most common are Major Depression, Dysthymia, and Bipolar Disorder. Even within these types of depression
there are variations in the number of symptoms, their severity, and persistence.
Symptoms of Depression:
* Changes in sleeping pattern: much more or much less?
* Changes in eating patterns: much more or much less?
* Fatigue, loss of energy.
* Headaches, stomachaches or otherwise inexplicable aches and pains.
* Diminished interest in and enjoyment of previously pleasurable activities-sex, sports, hobbies, going out with friends,
* Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
* Neglecting responsibilities and personal appearance.
* Depressed mood-can mean feeling down, apathetic, irritable, pessimistic,hopeless, negative, guilty, anxious, empty,
* Suicidal thoughts.
* Feeling hopeless and helpless.
* Feelings of worthlessness.
· To refresh the mood eat an apple with milk and honey
· Prepare a tea by boiling 1 cup of water. To this add powder of 2 green cardamoms seeds, add sugar and drink this 2 times
a day.
· Prepare another tea by adding a handful of fresh Rose petals to a cup of boiling water. Add sugar and drink when you
are feeling depressed.
· The cashew nut also plays an important role in fighting with depression and nervous weakness. It is rich in vitamins
of the B group, especially thiamine, and is therefore useful in stimulating the appetite and the nervous system.
· The root of asparagus has been found useful in the treatment of depression. It is very nutritious and is used as a herbal
medicine for mental disorders. One or two grams of the powder of the dry root of the plant can be taken once daily.
· About thirty grams lemon balm herb should be placed in half a litre of cold water and allowed to stand for twelve hours.
The solution should then be strained and taken in small doses throughout the day.
· A person suffering from depression get rid of it by becoming more active, turning away from himself, and diverting his
attention towards other people and things. Diverting his mind in things of pleasure can help him to overcome depression.
· 5HTP is a substance that is extracted from the seedpods of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia. It produces serotonin
in the body and may relieve depression
· Exercise also plays an important role in the treatment of depression. It not only keeps the body physically and mentally
fit, but also provides happiness and mental relaxation. It is nature's best tranquillizer. Exercise also tones up the body,
provides a feeling of well-being, and reduces the sense of helplessness.
· Licorice tea helps in treatment of depression. No more than three cups of tea should be used per day.
· Prepare a mixture by adding 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg powder with 1 tablespoon freshly extracted amla juice. Take 3 times
a day.
· 3/4 c. of cooked spinach if taken daily can give sufficient relief from depression.
· Kava (Piper methysticum) is a natural remedy for depression. South Pacific islanders have used this plant for years.
It calms the mind and produces a feeling of well-being and contentment. It is a remedy for depression without side effects.
· Tryptophan, an amino acid has been found to relieve depression.
· Keeping the home well lit with lights help to reduce the intensity of depression.
· Relaxing with meditation, massage, light music and laughter helps to great extent.
· Prepare a tea by adding 1/4-teaspoon tulsi and 1/2 teaspoon of sage per cup of hot water; drink twice a day.
· Make a tea by adding equal amounts of ashvagandha and brahmi (about 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon each), steep in a cup of water
for about 10 minutes, and drink 2 or 3 times a day.
. Yoga and meditation helps in reducing depression.
. Acupressure therapy helps in the treatment of depression.
Acupressure treatment consists of pressurising 3 points:
1. The Posterior Summit (GV 19)
2. One Hundred Meeting Point (GV 20)
3. Anterior Summit (GV 21)
These points are all located on the top of the head. Pressing them can relieve depression with accompanying headache and
memory lapses.
Begin with the middle point, GV 20. Place your left thumb on the top of your left ear and your right thumb on the top
of your right ear. Move your fingertips toward the top of your head and feel for a hollow near the top center of your head.
GV 19, also situated in a hollow, lies approximately one inch behind GV 20.
GV 21 lies one inch in front of GV 20.
As you apply steady, firm pressure to these points, relax your body and let your tension and depression slip away.
