Pain and Gas
All people have gas; it is natural and resulted by swallowing air and normal breakdown of certain indigested food by harmless
The frequent belching of the gas comes out by burping or passing it through the rectum. Most people pass gas about 14
times a day, the gas is made primarily of odorless vapor. The unpleasant odor of flatulence comes from bacteria in the large
intestine that release small amounts of gases that contain sulfur.
The gas can sometimes be uncomfortable and inconvenient; it can come from bloating of the abdomen after eating and is
a result of certain habits or diet choices.
· Put sliced or powdered root in a glass of boiling water, wait for 5 minutes and drink. Repeat 3 times a day.
· Blanch lemon verbena leaves and drink.
· Mix one teaspoon of fresh grated ginger with one teaspoon of lime juice; take immediately after eating.
· Eat or swallow caraway seeds (not for kids).
· Blanch 2gm of passion fruit to 1/4 cup of water and drink.
· Drink: chamomile tea, peppermint tea, cinnamon, cumin.
· Soak 1 teaspoon of grained cardamom seeds in a cup of water, wait 10 minutes, drink 3 times a day preferred before eating.
· Drink hot water with lemon and peppermint.
· Blanch hypos leaves and drink or saturate the leaves in olive oil, filter and swallow.
· Massage the stomach with fennel oil to relieve the pain and gas.
· Blanch parsley and drink several times a day.
Ulcer is a lesion of the skin, eyes or mucous membrane that turns to an open sore that is characterized by sloughing of
inflamed dead tissue.
The ulcer can appear on the skin surface or on the inside lining of a body part, usually the stomach or intestine. The
ulcer usually results from initial abrasion and inflammation or ischemia.
· Eat 2 green bananas (really green) morning and night, then a spoon of honey for 3 days.
· For ulcer: Drink cabbage juice: 4 cups everyday for 10 days.
· Strain potato juice and drink on empty stomach.
· Drink 2 spoons of olive oil every morning on empty stomach.
· Before every meal swallow 1 spoon of honey.
· Boil one teaspoon of turmeric to a cup of water, add sugar or honey, and wait for 5 minutes then drink.
· Ulcer treatment: Put half a teaspoon of licorice root tea in a cup of hot water, wait 10 minutes, strain and drink.
Repeat 3 times daily.
Nausea is a stomach distress. It is a sensation of unease in the stomach that make the feel of sick and the urge to vomit.
Nausea usually indicates a condition somewhere else in the body and is very common in pregnancy and traveling.
· Wash 8-10 fresh peppermint leaves; add some tea leaves and water then boil. Can add honey to sweeten, do not add sugar
it will make you sicker. Cool and drink.
· Eat a banana before every meal to prevent morning sickness.
· Drink cold coca cola, small sips.
· Stir one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to half a cup of water and drink.
· To stop vomiting eat Popsicle, good for kids.
· Blanch salvia leaves and drink.
· Sprinkle some arrack drops on the stomach and rub for a few minutes, then cover.
· Drink carob powder in water.
· Chew five whole garlic cloves.
· Grind ginger root, add boiling water, add honey and drink as tea.
· Drink grapefruit or other natural juice.
· To stop vomiting take 1/4 teaspoon of locust powder.
· Suck on a lemon wedge.
· Blanch mint to make tea and drink.
· Blanch 5-7 rosemary leaves in a boiling cup of water, add honey, wait 3 minutes and drink.
Diarrhea is a condition in which the movement of food through the digestive system is faster than normal, that happens
as a cause of frequent and watery bowel movements.
Diarrhea can cause dehydration rapidly in small infants and very young children. Diarrhea is correlated with nutritional
status and has many reasons, such as: sickness, allergy, virus, and more.
· Boil pomegranate peel, cool and drink half a cup 2 times a day (can add sugar).
· Grind half an apple and drink the juice, a little every time.
· Blanch guava leaves and drink to help with the diarrhea.
· Make tea out of coriander leaves.
· Drink chamomile tea to relieve the diarrhea and pain.
· Eat: Rice, toasted bread with no spread, bananas and drink a lot of water.
· Drink carrot soup.
· Drink peppermint tea.
· Drink wormwood tea to treat stomach trouble.
· Squeeze one lemon; add 1 spoon of milk and drink.
· Squeeze pomegranate and drink.
· Mix and mash: corn, garlic and potatoes, then eat.
· Blanch 1-2 teaspoons of oregano in water for 10 minutes and drink.
· Mix a teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water half an hour before each meal.
Gastritis is an Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining of the stomach; it is commonly causing vomiting and loss of
Gastritis can have number of causes: alcohol, drugs, bacteria, cigarettes, and virus. The inflammation of the stomach
often caused by infection and is not an ulcer.
· Pour a cup of boiling water on 2 teaspoons of peach leaves and wait for 10 minutes. Drink 3 times a day.
· Eat figs or immerse in warm water, strain and drink the water.
· Gastritis treatment: Chop chick peas (hummus) and eat.
· Put half a teaspoon of licorice root tea in a cup of hot water, wait 10 minutes, strain and drink. Repeat 3 times daily.
· Chop turmeric leaves, put in a cup of milk and drink.
· Chop guava leaves and eat or blanch the leaves, starin and drink the water.
All people have gas; it is natural and resulted by swallowing air and normal breakdown of certain indigested food by harmless
The frequent belching of the gas comes out by burping or passing it through the rectum. Most people pass gas about 14
times a day, the gas is made primarily of odorless vapor. The unpleasant odor of flatulence comes from bacteria in the large
intestine that release small amounts of gases that contain sulfur.
The gas can sometimes be uncomfortable and inconvenient; it can come from bloating of the abdomen after eating and is
a result of certain habits or diet choices.
· Chew 1 teaspoon of celery seeds. Don't swallow!
· Mix 1/2-1 spoon of fennel seeds to 3 spoons of yogurt and eat.
· Blanch fennel seeds and drink (also good for breast feeding moms).
· Drink chamomile tea to calm the gas and pain
· Massage the stomach.
· Add 1 teaspoon of grinded fresh cardamom seeds to 1 cup of boiling water. Wait 10 minutes and drink. Repeat 3 times
daily before meal.
· Mix one teaspoon of cayenne to 1 cup of boiling water. Take one teaspoon from the mixture and mix with a cup of water;
drink when needed.
· Boil one cup of water, with 2-3 carnation sprouts, cook for 5 minutes and drink 3 times a day. Can add cinnamon stick.
· Blanch dill leaves and drink.
· Drink anise liqueur to help with the gas problem.
· Blanch parsley and drink several times a day (also good for babies).
· Drink/ chew kummel.
· Cook potatoes in water, then drink the liquid.
· Drink peppermint tea.
· Eat yogurt and sour cream.
· Eat a lot of peppers.
· Blanch half a teaspoon of ginger with half a teaspoon of cinnamon in a cup of boiling water; add honey, wait 3 minutes
and drink.
· 1-1.5 spoons of caraway melted in water or with food. 4-6 times a day if it's a bad case (Don't eat if you have constipation).
Constipation is a common condition in which bowel movements are infrequent and incomplete, that causes small and hard
stool that is difficult or painful to pass.
Constipation causes abdominal pain and much discomfort. The reasons for constipation are: dehydration, anxiety, injury,
medications, and more.
· Eat a lot of plum's spread.
· Constipation treatment: eat apples.
· Drink carrot juice.
· Eat 1/2 a cup of sunflower seeds everyday.
· Drink every morning on an empty stomach, warm water mixed with 1 teaspoon of olive oil and half a lemon juice.
· Blanch a teaspoon of thyme in a cup of warm water, add honey, and wait for 3 minutes then drink.
· Eat potatoes daily to help with the constipation.
· Saturate plums (or dates) with warm water before you go to bed; drink the water in the morning and eat the plums if
you want to.
· Take 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar every morning (on an empty stomach) with a glass of water.
· Mix 1/4 teaspoon of Epsom salt to 1/2 a glass of water and drink right a way (bitter but amazing).
· Constipation treatment: eat cooked red beet.
· Drink a lot of water, 2 liters a day at least.
· Eat a lot of green vegetables, especially lettuce and parsley.
Digestion is the process the body use to break down food into a form that can be absorbed by the body and provide energy
for: growth and cell repair.
Digestion takes place in the oesophagus, stomach, and intestines.
· Garlic is good for digestion (From: Angie.C).
· Eat bran and oatmeal daily.
· Ridding bikes helps motion and digestion.
· Eat figs daily.
· For regular digestion: Blend 100gm of dried plums, 100gm of dried figs, 100gm of dried apricots and 1 tablespoon of
castor oil. Refrigerate and take 1 tablespoon every morning with a glass of water.
· Mix dried figs with plums extract, half a teaspoon of paraffin, borsch, honey and lemon. Eat daily.
· Eat tomatoes for better digestion.
· Drink a lot of water.
· Eat a lot of peppers.