Flu or influenza is a viral infection. It affects the respiratory tract mainly the nose and throat. It is usually accompanied
by high fever (100-104 degrees fahrenheit)and body pain. Headache, runny nose, cough usually dry, and a general feeling of
weakness are the main symptoms of flu.
Flu is highly contagious, and can spread through the air.
There is no known remedy for viral infections however, medical practitioners prescribe antibiotics and vitamin supplements
to stem secondary infections and boost the immune system.
I personally prepare a herbal tea which I found is helpful to control fever, cold and cough all at one time.
HERBAL TEA RECIPE: (for about 2 cups)
1. Lemon grass 2-3 long leaves
2. Ajwain leaves about 6 large leaves
3. Black pepper freshly ground about 1/2 spoon
4. Tulsi leaves (holy basil) about 12-15
5. Liquorice or jeshtimadh or yashtimadhu about 1 spoon
(powder) or a thick 1" piece pounded or crushed.
6. Half an Onion sliced
7. Ginger or dried ginger(soonth) about 1" -I prefer fresh
ginger - crushed.
8. Jaggery about 100 grams
9. Kankol about 10 pieces
10.Cinnamon stick 1/2 inch
11.Cloves about 2-3
Method: Put all the ingredients in 500 ml water and heat it it till the decoction is reduced by about 100 ml. Divide this
mixture into 4 servings and drink this decoction while hot. Finish the herbal tea in one day (4 doses).
You should feel better within 24 hours otherwise you can repeat it once again.
Some people add a spoon of turmeric powder to it as turmeric is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic.
The following care will help you to recover faster:
* Get extra rest. Bed rest can help you feel better. It will also help you avoid spreading the virus to others.
* Drink plenty of fluids to replace those lost from fever. Fluids also ease a scratchy throat and keep nasal mucus thin. Hot
tea with lemon, water, fruit juice, and soup are all good choices.
* If fever is uncomfortable, take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to lower it. You may also sponge your body with lukewarm water
to reduce fever. Do not use cold water or ice. Lowering the fever will not make your symptoms go away faster, but it may make
you more comfortable.
* To relieve body aches and headache, take acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
* Try a decongestant or nasal spray if your main symptom is a stuffy nose. Look for a single-ingredient decongestant that
contains phenylephrine. If nasal drainage is thick, a decongestant that contains guaifenesin may help keep it thin and draining.
Do not use medicated nasal sprays or drops more often than directed, and don't use them for longer than 3 days.
* Breathe moist air from a hot shower or from a sink filled with hot water to help clear a stuffy nose.
* Avoid antihistamines. They do not treat flu symptoms and may make nasal drainage thicker.
* If the skin around your nose and lips becomes sore from repeated rubbing with tissues, apply a bit of petroleum jelly to
the area. Using disposable tissues that contain lotion also may help.
* Use cough drops or plain, hard candy to help ease coughing.
* Elevate your head at night with an extra pillow if coughing keeps you awake.
* Avoid smoking and breathing secondhand smoke. This is good advice any time, but it is especially important when you
have a respiratory infection like a cold or the flu.
* Turmeric is valuable in curing influenza. A teaspoon of turmeric powder should be mixed in a cup of warm milk and taken
three times a day. It will prevent complications arising from influenza, and also activate the liver which becomes sluggish
during the attack.
* A teaspoon of fresh ginger juice, mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to taste, is an excellent diaphoretic
mixture which increases sweating and reduces fever in this disease. The fenugreek decoction may be prepared by boiling one
tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one third.
* Another effective remedy for this disease is the green leaves of the basil plant. About one gram of these leaves should
be boiled along with some ginger in half a litre of water till about half the water is left. This decoction should be taken
as tea. It gives immediate relief.
* Gargling with hot water to which turmeric powder is added, will give quick relief from throat problems.
* For cold and runny nose with choking take steam inhalation. Add a piece of cabbage leaf just before inhalation,it clears
the choking in the nose immediately.