Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an encroachment by the bacteria of the urinary tract which includes kidney, ureters, bladder
or urethra. This bacterium enters the opening of the urethra and procreates in the urinary tract causing urinary tract infection.
This can be very painful and a major cause of distress in your life. If it is not contained in the earlier stages it is likely
to spread to your kidneys, which can become a serious health issue. The infection of the bladder can develop into cystitis-
a very common problem faced by women. Urinary Tract Infection can infect anyone but women are more susceptible to this disease.
Children too suffer from this disorder but the headcount is very low in comparison to adults.
Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection
Need to go all time
* A very common symptom which UTI patients face through this condition- is the constant urge to urinate.
* Burning sensation and sometimes traces of blood
* Urination is painful as well as leaves a burning sensation. Sometimes the sign is so relevant in the form of blood which
is seen in your urine.
* Fever, vomiting along with other pains
You may suffer from fever if you have infection in you kidneys. Bouts of vomiting and nausea are also possible if you
are affected by the kidney infection. Backache and pain below your ribs are some of the other symptoms.
A routine pathological examination of urine will detect the presence of casts, cysts, crystals and bacteria (through culture).
A blood ESR will also reveal the infection.Higher the ratio, stronger the infection.
Urine culture may be advised to find out the type of antibiotics that may be necessary to heal the patient.
Treating Urinary Tract Function by use of Baking Soda:
A mixture of 1/2 tsp baking soda in eight ounce glass of water can be very helpful on the first signs of urinary tract
infection. The presence of baking soda in your system raises the acid-base balance of the acidic urine.
Treating Urinary Tract Infection by drinking water or fluids
It is very important for your system to have a good flow of urine. This can be done by consuming plenty of water. It cleanses
your body by diluting and flushing out the unwanted substance.
Treating Urinary Tract Infection by Cranberry Juice
Cranberry juice disallows bacteria to cling to the cell, which line the urinary tract. It is a great remedy to fight this
infection. If you cannot have the cranberry juice directly you can mix it with apple juice to add some taste.
Treating Urinary Tract Infection by Aromatherapy
You can make an essential oil by using equal parts of sandalwood, bergamot, tea tree, frankincense and juniper. Mix all
these ingredients to make an oil to be rubbed over your bladder area. Continue this massaging technique for three to four
days once the symptoms subside.
Treating Urinary Tract Infection by Echinacea
You can consume at least two capsules three times a day of Echinacea and Oregon grape root or goldenseal to fight the
Treating Urinary Tract Infection by Tincture
In acute cases try having 1/2 tsp of tincture every hour. Severe infection needs severe measures. Blend equal parts of
pipsissewa, buchu, echinacea, and uva ursi tinctures. Have 20 drops of this blended mixture every two hours for first two
days and later 1 tsp four times a day, till you have completely recovered. Have a soothing tea such as marshmallow root to
counter the strong antiseptic effect of urva ursi.
The first step to reduce the pain and incontinence is to flush the kidneys with a diuretic. Drink lots of tender coconut
water. Coconut water is a natural diuretic.
Barley water ( barley grains boiled in water) is also an excellent remedy to flush the kidneys and bladder of toxic elements.
Urinary Tract Infection Diet:
Increase the intake of vitamins C
Vitamin C prevents the bacterial growth due to the acidic environment created in the bladder and the urinary tract. It
is very important to have a healthy diet which is rich in minerals and other supplements for your daily quota. You can maintain
the alkaline content in urine by a rich diet of milk, fruits, and fresh vegetables.
Fresh berry juice
· Women consuming fresh berry juice as part of the daily diet, turns out to be very useful in the long run.
· Avoid irritant foods
· A diet which consists of processed food like cheese, chocolate, dairy products should be avoided. You should also avoid
spicy food, caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes which otherwise is also harmful. Avoid carbonated drinks like beer, soda or any
other drink with fizz.
· Stay away from artificial sweetener
· Aspartame is one of a kind of artificial sweetener. You will find many artificial sweeteners in the market which should
be avoided. It is mainly consumed by diabetic patients and is used in many beverages and other foods.
Other herbs to consider as tea:
Cleavers (Galium aparine) has a long history of use in treatment of urinary infections.
Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis) has very soothing demulcent properties. Best used in "cold infusion."
Soak herb in cold water several hours, then strain and drink.
Buchu is a soothing diuretic and antiseptic for the urinary system.
Corn silk (Zea Mays) is a soothing diuretic.
Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is an astringent and mild diuretic with tissue-healing properties.
Usnea Lichen is very soothing and antiseptic.
Also be sure to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily.
Homeopathic Remedies
A trained homeopathic practitioner is required to diagnose and prescribe a deep acting, constitutional remedy. The following
remedies may help to relieve some of the acute symptoms associated with urinary tract infections.
The standard dosage for acute symptom relief is 12c to 30c, 3 to 5 pellets, 3 or 4 times a day until symptoms resolve.
If the chosen remedy is correct, symptoms should improve shortly after the first or second dose. Do not take any remedy longer
than a day or two without consulting a homeopathic practitioner (naturopathic physician or medical doctor).
Warning: Most homeopathic remedies are delivered in a small pellet form that has a lactose sugar base. Patients who are
lactose intolerant should be advised that a homeopathic liquid may be a better choice.
Cantharis - for intolerable urging with burning, "scalding" urination
Apis mellifica - for stinging pain that is worse with heat
Staphysagria - for a UTI that is the result of sexual intercourse
Sarsasparilla - for pain that burns after urination has stopped
Physical Medicine
Castor oil packs can be applied for UTIs that have associated bladder cramping or pelvic discomfort. Apply castor oil
directly to the skin and cover with a soft piece of flannel and heat (hot water bottle) for 30 minutes to 1 hour. The anti-inflammatory
action of castor oil aids in pain relief.
Sitz baths can be helpful if there is swelling or burning of the urethral opening. An infusion of golden seal is anti-microbial
and soothing; the other herbs indicated will also be helpful.