Peptic ulcers are among the most common of all conditions affecting the human beings. They occur more frequently. Even young
children may suffer from ulcers. In adults, ulcers of the stomach are more common in women, while ulcers of the duodenum,
or first part of the bowel, are more common in men.
Peptic ulcer may be defined as the ulcerated, or eroded, area of the mucous membrane that lines all the digestive organs.
It occurs most frequently in the lower end of the stomach, first part of the duodenum, or lower part of the esophagus. Ulcers
never occur in patients with low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The greater the acid, there are more chances
of ulcer.
Peptic ulcers run in families. Close relatives of patients suffering from this problem are more liable to develop peptic
ulcers than relatives of normal people.
Emotional tension such as bought on by family quarrels, seems to play a large part in the development of the ulcers. Usually
there is only one ulcer, but occasionally several may be present in the same patient. Most ulcers are small, probably less
than half an inch across in the duodenum, and perhaps one inch across in the stomach.
The most important symptoms of an ulcer is pain. Pain is sharp and severe. The patient can tell the sore spot by putting
his finger on it. In duodenal ulcers the pain comes on when the patient is hungry. In many cases the pain is relieved by eating
food, but is aggravated by taking alcohol, condiments and coffee. Patients with stomach ulcers may feel worse after taking
Another symptoms associated with ulcer is heartburn, or inflammation of the esophagus. The pain, vomiting and hemorrhages
are all aggravated by exertion, both physical and mental, especially emotions like fear and anger. Of the three conditions,
pain is the most frequent vomiting, second in frequency, but hemorrhage out ranks them both in clinical important.
A peptic ulcer results due to excessive acid, which is caused by an increased in the hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
This strong acid, secreted by the cells lining of the stomach, erodes the inner lining of the stomach.
Dietetic indiscretion such as overeating, taking of heavy meals or highly spiced foods, coffee, alcohol and smoking are
the main factors leading to this condition. Other causes are the ingestion of certain drugs, food poisoning, certain infections,
gout, emotional disturbances, stress, and nervous tension.
Recent studies indicate that the bacteria Helicobacter Pylori (H-pylori) may be the underlying cause of peptic ulcers.
Evidence shows that it is always found in people
with ulcers and rarely found in individual who do not suffer from this condition.
· Mix 1/2 juice extract of cabbage, 1/2 carrot juice. Drink this juice, it is effective in treating ulcers.
· Banana shakes 1 or 2 glasses or 2 bananas taken with a glass of milk are effective in ulcers.
· The patient must try to rid himself of worries and stay cheerful.
· The diet of an individual suffering from peptic ulcer includes Milk, cream, butter, fruits, fresh raw and boiled vegetables,
natural foods, and natural vitamin supplements.
· To get immediate relief from symptoms of peptic ulcers, drink 1-2 large glasses of water.
· Avoid fried foods, coffee, tea, salt, chocolate strong spices and carbonated beverages.
· Eat frequent small meals of foods that are easy to digest.
· Avoid smoking. Smoking can delay or prevent healing.
· Aloe Vera juice also helps in giving relief to the pain and helps in healing.
· Licorice root also helps in the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
· White oak bark and yarrow can be used to treat the inflammation and irritations caused by an ulcer as well as normalize
any bleeding.
· Marshmallow root and slipperyelm can give relief to the irritated mucus membranes of the stomach and intestinal tract.
· Omega 3 oil helps to protect the stomach and intestines from ulcers.
· An infusion of the leaves of wood apple is another effective remedy for this disease. Fifteen grams of leaves should
be soaked overnight in 250 ml of water. In the morning this water should be strained and taken as a drink.
· Lime is also helpful in treating the ulcers.
· A tea made from fenugreek seeds is another useful remedy for peptic ulcers.
· Ten grams of the leaves of drumstick tree should be ground into a paste, mixed with half a cup of yoghurt, and taken
· Milk prepared from blanched almonds in a blender is very useful as a treatment for peptic ulcers.
· Goat's milk is also very effective in the treatment of this disease.
· Drink one cup of unsweetened milk to get relief from pain and heartburn.
· Turmeric has long been used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine to treat digestive disorders.