Warts are hard, dry growths in the skin. They come and go without any cause. Usually they are perfectly harmless. But any
sudden change in the appearance of wart should be noted immediately. Such changes sometimes may be due to presence of cancers.
Warts come in various shapes and sizes, and usually appear as rough elevations in the skin. They occur most frequently
on the fingers, elbows, knees, face and scalp. They may also be seen in different forms on the soles of the feet, and in the
genital and rectal areas. Warts are apparently due to a virus infection of the skin.
Although most warts are fairly easy to remove, they often tend to return either at the same site or somewhere near by.
Those that appear on the soles of the feet are called plantar warts. They are very painful and the sufferer is not able
to walk properly. Plantar warts on the soles are usually contracted in swimming pools. Constitutional factors, however, appear
to be at the root of the trouble. These factors lead to some defects in the proper development of the skin surface in certain
· Pick a dandelion weed and squeeze some white milky juice from it. Put the white juice on the wart. Do this once or twice
a day and watch the wart disappear.
· Cut the tip of a nail (the size of the wart) off so it had a flush end. Heat the nail up on the stove until red-hot,
push into the wart until a white puss leaks out. This doesn't hurt when it’s happening because the skin is dead
and you can't feel it.
· Take a clove of garlic and crush it and apply it on the wart twice a day. Cover the wart throughout the day, and keep
doing this for about 5-6 days. Once in the morning and once at night.
· Take the garlic juice and put it on the wart or warts. Do this for about 2 times a day for a week.
· Use dry ice to burn the wart off yourself.
· Cut a small piece of potato about the size of your wart place on the wart and move it in circular way for 30 mins once
in the morning and once at night. Doing this kills the roots. The warts or wart will turn a dark color and fall of.
· Rub a banana peel on your warts for about 1 or 2 week.
· Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it directly to the wart. Make sure you bandage it up with gauze
and tape. Do this before you go to bed. Leave it on over night.
· Break open a dandelion and rub on the wart whenever you feel like it .
· Just rub cigarette ashes on warts for 1-2 weeks and warts disappear.
· Place cooked cabbage around wart for 5 mins only once and wait 2 days. It will be gone
· Take a strip of raw bacon and apply it to the wart area.
· Rub the wart with the peel of an orange several time per day and in two days the wart changes color.
· After bath spread clear nail polish over the wart. The wart will be gone in 2 weeks to a month.
· Chop one raw onion and cover with salt and leave overnight. Apply the juice to the warts 2-3 times daily until warts
· Apply the juice of cauliflower on the warts daily until it falls.
· Apply a drop of grapefruit seed extract to the warts and cover with a band-aid, 2-3 times daily. Your warts will disappear
in 3-4 weeks.
· Rub a slice of fresh pineapple or raw potato peelings or radish 2-3 times daily on your wart
· Apply the milky juice exuding from the stems of figs and leaves.
· Put the contents of one 100 I.U. of natural vitamin E capsule on a band-aid and cover the mole. Warts will disappear
· Apply vitamin E on the wart, crush a clove of raw garlic and place it on the wart, and cover it with an adhesive bandage.
· Soak a small piece of cotton in aloe gel and tape over the wart. Add more gel every three hours. Change cotton daily.
The wart should begin to lighten in a few days and in a few weeks may disappear.
· Rub the wart daily with a piece of white chalk.
· Apply a drop of grape seed extract directly to the wart and cover with a Band-Aid; repeat twice daily. The wart will
turn white and will disappear in about a week.
· Apply milkweed juice to the wart.
· A tea made from purple coneflower (Echinacea), burdock root or red clover may help in the prevention of warts.
· Take some green (not fully ripe) black walnuts and make a few incisions in the outer shell; rub the juice on the warts.
There may be a slight stinging sensation or the area may turn brown, but this is only temporary. This is a very effective
remedy for warts and warts will disappear within a few days.
· Simply apply the purest honey on your wart, keep applying it morning and night until the wart disappears.
· Soak your wart in warm water for 15-20 minutes and dry. Apply apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball and leave on for
10-15 minutes. Wash off with water and dry.
· Dissolve an aspirin with a small drop of water and apply to the wart. Cover with a band-aid. Repeat twice daily.
· Apply the sap from a milk thistle every morning and evening to the affected area. It seems to make the warts shrink
and disappear.