Spending too much time in the pool can lead to ear aches, caused when waterborne bacteria get trapped in your ear.
A popular old home remedy for this is a whole roasted onion and a piece of cloth. After the onion cools, it is wrapped
in the cloth and placed over the ear. This procedure is continued until the pain stops. Onions, like garlic, have an antibiotic
effect and may help when the earache is caused by bacteria (as with "external otitis," or swimmer's ear").
Otitis media means inflammation of the middle ear. The inflammation occurs as a result of a middle ear infection.
Although otitis media is most common in young children, it also affects adults occasionally. It occurs most commonly in
the winter.
Symptoms Of Otitis Media
* pulling or scratching at the ear, especially if accompanied by the following...
1. hearing problems
2. crying, irritability
3. fever
4. vomiting
5. ear drainage
In young children, adolescents, and adults look for:
* earache
* feeling of fullness or pressure
* hearing problems
* dizziness, loss of balance
* nausea, vomiting
* ear drainage
* fever
Remember, without proper treatment, damage from an ear infection can cause chronic or permanent hearing loss.
Older people with nerve deafness often complain of ringing in the ears. Nerve deafness may also arise from hardening of
the arteries. As the condition progresses, the patient may not be able to distinguish between such common sounds as the ringing
of the doorbell, the tickling of the watch, or the sound of the telephone.
· Take some garlic juice and pour the juice in the ear it will help to relieve the pain. Garlic has a natural antibiotic.
· If the pain is due to altitude change, just chew gum or yawn to relieve the pain.
· If pain is due to swimming, usually called, swimmer's ear, put some mineral oil in before going in the water. This should
protect the condition.
· One drop of alcohol after bathing can prevent excessive earwax.
· Take two cloves of Garlic. Remove the skin. Heat them with two spoons of Mustard Oil when the garlic starts turning
black (burning) then turn off the heat. Sieve the contents. When the oil becomes lukewarm, then using a cotton swab, put
2 to 4 drops in the aching ear.
· Make a poultice of onions and it will help to cure the earache within 10 minutes.
· Deep-breathing exercises are effective for earaches and other pain, because they oxygenate the body, strengthen the
immune system and open blockages.
· Grind a few Holy basil leaves and extract some juice. Apply 2 drops inside the ear.
· Boil 3-4 cloves of Garlic in some water. Mash them and add a pinch of salt. Wrap this poultice in a flannel or woolen
cloth and place on the aching ear
· Drops of tea tree oil may be effective in reducing the earache.
· Blow the nose, one at a time and gently.
· Keep your ears free of moisture after swimming or bathing because a dry ear is unlikely to become infected. After swimming
or showering, shake your head to remove water from the ear canal.
· Feed infants in upright position to prevent milk getting into the Eustachian tubes. Do not allow infants to fall asleep
with a bottle in mouth.
· Take a sock; fill it with salt, heat until it is warm and tolerable to body. Lay your head on it. This may drain the
fluid out.
· Use a nasal spray if nose is congested this will help to reduce the earache.
· Breathe in deeply from your diaphragm, not your chest, bringing air in through your nose.
· Pinch your nose and push your tongue against the back part of the roof of your mouth, this will work a little air through
your Eustachian tubes without damage.
· Press a warm water bottle or warm bag of salt against the ear. This will help to ease ear pain.
· Otikon, an extract made of various plants, including garlic and St. John's Wort, is an effective anesthetic in treating
the pain associated with ear infections.
· Take some garlic oil and put 3 drops of grape seed extract in it and then put it in the ear. It will help to relieve
the pain in the ear.
· Take a small glass of orange juice (about 4 ounces) and added a dropper full of Echinacea tincture and 3 drops of Grapefruit
Seed Extract (GSE). Take this 3 times a day to relieve any infection.
· Avoid smoking and passive smoke as much as possible.
· Take Vitamin C to help boost the immune system and fight infection. Zinc reduces ear infection.
· Put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in the ear. It is especially recommended for the swimmers ear.
. Take a clove of garlic and crush it. Put it in a spoon filled with coconut oil. Warm it on a low flame till the
garlic begins to fry. Remove it from the flame and allow it to cool. Instill 2 drops of this oil in both ears twice or thrice
a day to kill pain and reduce infection.
. The Chinese obtain fresh peppermint juice by wrapping the leaves, pounding them, and squeezing out the oil. A
few drops of the oil, which is antibacterial, is then used to relieve earaches.
. One drop of garlic oil in each ear with two drops of lobelia helps clean ear infections. Use warm not hot oil
and repeat once a week.