We spend more time on our hair than on any other portion of our body. We do several procedures to make them look beautiful
and healthy. Many of us have too little hair, others have too much in the wrong places. Ingrown hairs are also common around
the upper, inner thigh. An ingrown hair is that irritating red bump that appears shortly after shaving. The hair is either
cut too close to the skin... or it breaks off just below the skin. The hair then grows back into the hair follicle and becomes
an ingrown hair. People that have dark, coarse... or curly hair are the most prone to ingrown hairs.
The most common ingrown hair treatments:
Mother Nature provides many more home remedies at a fraction of the cost of the pharmaceutical giants myraid products.
Aloe Vera-- One of Mother Nature's best home remedies. Use a fresh aloe vera leaf and take the fresh gel from within. Apply
this aloe vera gel(pulp) twice daily to the ingrown hair for 3 days. Usually, after three days the inflamation and itch
from your ingrown hair will be gone. The aloe vera plant has been used for centuries to heal cuts and scrapes.
Sugar Facial Mask-- Use this economical mask to heal and soothe your ingrown hair. The following recipe will also exfoliate
your skin as an added benefit.
I cup of sugar
I/2 medium lemon
1 1/2 tsp of cornstarchdude
1/4 cup of honey
2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
Squeeze the lemon into a microwavable bowl, and add the sugar, cornstarch, and honey. Heat for a couple of minutes, and
then stir until thoroughly mixed. Let mixture cool a bit.
Lightly dust cornstarch on the skin around the ingrown hair... other areas to be treated. The cornstarch will absorb the
oil on the skin surface. Spread the mixture on the skin using a popsicle stick. Leave this mixture on the skin for twenty
minutes and then wash off with warm water.
You will find that your skin will be very soft and smooth ... and less irritated.
· The simplest method is to shave the unwanted hair off as often as necessary, perhaps once or twice or week.
· Apply a mixture of besan and haldi (turmeric) with a little water, to face. When it dries, gently rub off. This will remove
excessive facial hair.
· Buy a bottle of cold wax, apply it with a butter knife on the hairy area, press down with a cellophane paper or cloth strip,
and yank it off in the direction opposite to hair growth. Waxing will also make hair grow out thicker, but the growth will
reduce in the long run if you keep waxing regularly.
· Plucking also helps in the removal of hair. Pluck them once or twice a week.
· Bleaching can also help to remove the facial hair.
· Prepare a mixture by adding haldi, besan and some curd and apply to the face. It is an effective remedy for the removal
of facial hair.
· Simply wash your face twice a day with a face wash, and follow up with a toner. Apply a moisturizer after shaving.
· Add a little haldi to the gram flour and water. The hair will come out.
· Try plucking out the hair with a pair of tweezers.
· Prepare a paste by adding a tablespoon of besan with a few pinches of haldi and a little malai and apply to the face.
· Lemon is natural bleach, so apply that with an equal amount of honey and leave on for ten to fifteen minutes. Do this everyday.
· When bathing, apply soap and scrub your hands and legs gently with a pumice stone everyday. This will take some time, but
with patience your hair will gradually reduce and diminish.
· Mix lemon, sugar, and honey in a bowl. Microwave on high for about 2-3 minutes, until it bubbles into a smooth consistency.
Spread a thin layer on your leg. Cover with a strip of fabric, and rubbing the strip the opposite way of hair growth, about
3 times. Grab the fabric end and pull it off very quickly against the direction of the hair growth.
· A healthy lifestyle supplemented with proper diet is the magic key for healthy and beautiful hair.
· Sandpaper is also effective for the removal of unwanted hairs.
· Wash the ingrown hair area twice a day with a Panoxyl bar, an antibacterial soap of 10 percent benzoyl peroxide found at
your local drugstore.
· Apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone preparation such as Cortaid around the ingrown hair according to package directions.
· If ingrown hairs are inflamed and infected, change your razor blade each time you shave until the ingrown hair is gone.
. Apply a mask of a mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice and 4 teaspoons honey in the direction of hair growth.
Rinse after 10-15 minutes. Apply twice a week.
. Mix turmeric powder with milk and apply on the face. Scrub it off slowly moving your fingers in circular motion, and
then wash with cold water.
. For Legs hair removal:Mix well ground white pepper with camphor and a few drops of kerosene. Apply on the legs and
leave for a 10-15 minutes. The hair will fall off.