Small stones in the gall bladder are common, and many people are not aware they have them until a distressing episode occurs.
If a gallstone moves into the duct that carries bile, and stretches it or gets stuck, distressing symptoms (such as abdominal
pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, even jaundice) can result. Some remedies may be helpful as first-aid for pain relief,
but medical care is required in these situations.
A constitutional remedy chosen by an experienced prescriber is the most appropriate way to treat deep-seated, serious,
or chronic conditions. Remedies below have been helpful to some people with gallstones. They are mentioned here to introduce
a few of the possibilities homeopathy can offer, and not as recommendations for self-treatment.
Homeopathic Treatment(s) for Gallstones :-
1. Head remedy; pain through the lower edge of the right shoulder blade. Liver tender to touch and pressure; dirty yellow
face and vomiting Chelidonium 30 4 hourly
2. Head remedy for gallstone colic Cholesterinum 3X, 4 hourly
3. Gall stones; jaundice, uncomfortable fullness in liver region Carduus Mar Q (20 Drops)or 6X, 3 hourly
4. Violent pain liver region; sensitive to touch, feet constantly cold Lycopodium 200 or 1M, weekly (3 Doses in all)
5. Gall stones colic; patient craves for icy cold water/drinks Phosphorus 200 weekly (3 Doses)
6. Gall stone colic; itching,pain in the region of liver with renal disease.Twitching and shooting pains; spasmodic
pain confined to a small spot Berberis Vulgaris Q or 30, 4 hourly
7. Violent pain; worse by movement or jar, flushed face Belladonna 30, 4 hourly
8. Great chilliness; darting pain from right to left with profuse sweating Calcarea Carb 30 or 200, weekly (3 Doses)
9. Periodic recurrence of colic. Stools undigested; liver sensitive to touch and pressure; loss of appetite though feels
hungry China 6X, 6 hourly for 1st month, in 2nd month 30, potency on alternate days
10. Gall stone colic; shifting,cutting pains; better bending backwards Dioscorea V 30, 4 hourly
11. Gall stones; discomfort in stomach after eating, constant gagging or empty retching; stools white, loose Podophyllum
30, 4 hourly
12. Bilious colic; gall stones; constipation;to prevent formation of gall stones Chionanthus V.Q or 6X, 6 hourly
13. Intercurrent remedy Medorrhinum 200 or 1M fortnightly (3 Doses).
14. Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please
do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee,
Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away
from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.
Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine (Cures Par Excellence)
Berberis vulgaris: This remedy may be indicated when stitching pains extend from the gallbladder region to the stomach
and sometimes to the shoulder. Sharp twinges radiating outward can be felt in the groin and pelvic bones and may seem to come
from the lower back. Pain can be worse when the person is standing up, and from changing position. The person may be constipated
and have a tendency toward gout or joint pains. Rapidly changing states (sudden thirst, then thirstlessness; hunger, then
a loss of appetite) can point to this remedy.
Calcarea carbonica: When a person needing this remedy has gallbladder problems, the abdomen may feel swollen on the right
and be very sensitive to pressure, with cutting pains that extend to the chest and are worse from stooping, The person feels
worse from standing, worse from exertion, and better from lying on the painful side. Calcarea carbonica is often indicated
for people who tire easily, feel cold and sluggish with clammy hands and feet, crave sweets, and tend to feel anxious and
overwhelmed when ill.
Chelidonium majus: This remedy is often indicated when pain extends to the back, right shoulder, and shoulder-blade. The
abdomen is distended, with a constricting feeling as if a string were pulled across it. Pain is worse from motion, and lying
on the left with the legs drawn up may help. The person may feel nauseous, especially after eating fat or drinking something
cold (warm drinks stay down more easily). The person may feel tired, worse from being cold, and worse in the early morning.
Colocynthis: Cutting, cramping pains that make a person double over or want to lie down and put hard pressure on the abdomen
may indicate a need for this remedy. Pain in the upper right abdomen, extending to the shoulder, may also be seen. A person
needing this remedy may have aggravated physical symptoms after feeling angry or emotional, especially after suppressing those
Dioscorea: This remedy is indicated when abdominal pain from gallstones is relieved by bending backward, and is worse
when the person is bending forward or lying flat. Standing up and moving around in open air can also bring improvement. Pains
can spread to the back, chest, and arms, or may shift around. The person tends to feel worse in the evening and at night,
and also when lying down.
Lycopodium: This remedy is often indicated for people who have chronic digestive problems with abdominal bloating, flatulence,
and discomfort. Problems are worse from eating, and the pains may extend from the right side to the left. A person who needs
this remedy typically craves sweets, prefers warm drinks, and may feel worse in the late afternoon and evening.
Nux vomica: Constricting pains that travel upward, stitching pains, and a swollen feeling in the upper right part of the
abdomen suggest a need for this remedy. Digestive cramps and nausea, along with a general feeling of chilliness, are likely.
The person may crave fats, strong spicy foods, alcohol, coffee and other stimulants, and feel worse from having them. Irritability
and impatience are usually pronounced when this remedy is needed.
Podophyllum: This remedy is sometimes indicated in liver and gallbladder problems when soreness is felt in the upper right
part of the abdomen along with a feeling of weakness, sinking, or emptiness. Heat may also be felt in the area. Constipation
with clay-colored stools that are dry and hard to pass may alternate with watery diarrhea.
Home Remedies for Gall Bladder Disorders
Beet Treatment: Fresh juice of beets, carrots and cucumber in 100 ml quantities each, are the finest cleansers of the
gall-bladder. This type of juice has proved beneficial in the treatment of all disorders related to this organ, and should
be taken two times daily.
Pear Treatment: Pear is an excellent remedy for gall-bladder disorders. This fruit or its juice should be taken liberally
by the patient which will beneficial them. It exercises a special healing effect on all gall-bladder disorders, including
Chicory Treatment: The flowers, seeds, and roots of chicory or the endive plant are considered valuable in the treatment
of gall-bladder disorders. A decoction of about 30-60 ml of the flowers, seeds, or roots can be used three times daily with
beneficial results in the treatment of these disorders. Endive or chicory juice in almost any combination promotes the secretion
of bile and is, therefore, very good for both liver and gall-bladder dysfunctions.
Dandelion Treatment: Dandelion is very beneficial to treat the gall bladder. About 125 ml each of the juices of dandelion
and watercress should be taken twice daily. Combined with a vegetarian diet, without much sugar and starch, these juices help
to make the gallbladder normal.
Olive oil and Sunflower oil Treatment: These oils are very beneficial in the removal of gallstones. Raw, natural, unrefined
vegetable oils of olive or sunflower are used. The procedure is to take 30 ml of vegetable oil, preferably olive oil, first
thing in the morning and follow it immediately with 120 ml of grapefruit juice or lemon juice. This treatment should be taken
every morning for several days, even weeks, if necessary.
Dr. Lewis' method removes gall stones:
* Easily
* Painlessly
* Virtually for free
* Usually overnight
PLUS you get to keep your gall bladder, which is essential to keep your body at peak health!
The ONLY ingredients you need are virgin olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
There are some optional ingredients: Prior to the cleanse, apple, carrot, orange or grapefruit juice for a brief fast.
During the cleanse, some V8 juice or pineapple juice.
Following the cleanse he strongly recommends vitamin c, methionince, choline, inositol and lecithin be added to your daily
A colonic irrigation to clean out the system for easier elimination of the stones is recommended prior to the cleanse.
You may need to start this a week or so before the treatment, to be able to have several colonic irrigations.
If you can't have colonic irrigation, consider an enema.
Do one or two days of modified fasting using fresh juices. Apple and carrot juice are probably the best. Unsweetened
orange and grapefruit are next. Fresh is the first choice, fresh frozen second.
Drink as much as you like!
Pick a day when you have nothing much to do the next day, and preferably even the day after. Friday is best for most
people who have the weekend off. Don't make any plans to go out!
DO NOT EAT ANY SOLID FOOD after noon on the cleanse day. You may drink water or fresh juices, as much as you like.
DO NOT HAVE ANY FLUIDS after 6.30 pm (or 30 minutes before the start of your treatment) on the day of cleanse. Give your
stomach time to evacuate all the fluids. Then the olive oil won't float up on top of the fluid and your chances of nausea
will be greatly reduced.
One pint of cold virgin olive oil.
One half-pint of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Peppermint oil (from your health food store)
Pineapple or V8 juice (note: Biotta vegetable juice from Health food store is likely better than V8)
Measuring cup or tablespoon size measuring spoon
Pitcher of water
Paint stirring stick
Jar with screw-on lid
Index cards
Net to drape under the toilet seat, to catch your stones
Place the net under you toilet seat so it will be ready when you need it. Lift the seat and place the net across the
porcelain stool, then replace the seat so it will hold the net in place. Place the pitcher of water and the paint stirring
stick next to the toilet ready for when you need them. Also have handy the screw-on lid for storing your gall stones and
the index card.
If you should experience extreme nausea or vomiting, try chasing it with a small amount of V8 juice or pineapple juice.
Or you might try adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the olive oil. Use one of these mixtures for a couple of doses and
then go back to the olive oil and lemon juice without adding anything.
12 Noon
Stop eating all solid food
6.30 pm
Stop drinking all fluids
7.00 pm
Using a measuring device, pour ¼ cup (four tablespoonfuls) of olive oil and drink it.
Follow immediately with one or two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice.
Lie down and relax.
Repeat this every 15 minutes. Sit up, swallow it and lie down again. If possible, have someone else bring them to you.
Relax, read or watch television. Keep as still as possible. It is best to lie on your right side.
Repeat the exact dosage every 15 minutes until you have swallowed all of the pint of olive oil. If there is any lemon
juice left, drink it all.
It is now probably 10.00 or 10.30 pm
Remember, if you have terrible nausea or vomiting sensations, use the peppermint oil in the olive oil, or chase the olive
oil with a small amount of V8 or pineapple juice, until you can resume taking the plain olive oil and lemon juice.
While you are taking the olive oil and lemon juice, if it gets hard to swallow, take a little more time between doses.
Try 20 minutes between doses, or 25 minutes. Try to swallow all of the oil and lemon juice. If you are too nauseated to
get it all down, take as much as you possibly can.
You have finished the olive oil and lemon juice. Now go to bed and do your best to go to sleep. Lie on your right side.
This position speeds up the process of the olive oil entering the gall bladder to act as a lubricant. This, along with the
softening action of the lemon juice, will help to free the stones more easily and readily from the gall bladder. Stay in
bed and forget everything until the urge to go the toilet comes.
That was really quite simple, wasn't it?
About 2.00 or 3.00 am you'll probably wake up with the unmistakeable urge to go to the toilet. It may not happen. For
some, it doesn't happen until 11am the next day. If your first bowel movement is at 2.00 or 3.00 am you will probably have
no stones in it, but you'll want to check to be sure.
When you have the first bowel movement after the cleanse, you'll use the pitcher of water and the paint stirring stick
to wash the fecal material through the net. Pour water gently and use the stick to separate the stones from the fecal material.
The fecal material will be runny and wash through the net.
You can use the index card, folded in half, as a makeshift shovel. You may notice green objects and maybe greenish liquid
excrement in the toilet bowel. Those are small gall stones. Some gall stones may be dissolved by the treatment.
Dr Lewis found that 1% of people failed to pass gall stones. If you are one of these 1%, don't be disappointed. In some
individuals, the powerful action of the lemon juice causes the stones to dissolve before they are passed out of the body.
IF you have only greenish liquid bowel movements, the cleanse has been effective.
The above information on gall stones and the gall bladder is from the excellent book "Are you 'Stoned'?" by
chiropractor Claude M. Lewis, Edith Hiett and Leon Hiett.