The female reproductive time of life begins at adolescence in the early teens and continues until the end of the menopause
in the mid or late forties. Most women during their reproductive period have a regular monthly cycle, usually occurring every
four weeks except during pregnancy.
In the middle or late forties, many women suddenly become aware of increased nervous tension, menstrual disturbances,
hot flashes, chilly feelings, excitability, easy fatigue, depression, crying spells, sleeplessness, palpitation, dizziness,
headaches, numbness and tingling and other annoying symptoms. A woman experiencing these symptoms feel miserable through no
fault of her own. This entire problem arises due to the non-production of the estrogen hormone from the ovaries.
This natural phenomenon in life starts many years before menopause symptoms actually begin to show. Hormone levels can
fluctuate for several years before eventually becoming so low that the endometrium becomes thin and does not bleed. Normally
the ovaries start to slow the production of hormones like estrogen, testosterone and progesterone.
Low estrogen levels may also lead to changes in collagen production, affecting hair, nails, skin and tendons. The skin
may become dryer, thinner, less elastic; more prone to bruising and skin itching may occur.
Anything that interferes with the normal functions of the ovaries may bring on these problems. If the ovaries have to
be removed by surgery because of some disease, the same thing will occur soon after the operation. Menopause is not a disease.
It is a natural process in a woman's life. It depends on a woman how she views this time of her life. This can have a lot
to do with how frequent and severe her symptoms are. If menopause is viewed, as the end of youth and sexuality, this time
will be much more difficult than if it is viewed as the next, natural phase of life. With a proper diet, nutritional supplements,
and exercise, most of the unpleasant side effects of menopause can be minimized, if not eliminated.
The average age of the natural menopause is 51 years, but can occur much earlier or later. Menopause occurring before
the age of 45 is called early menopause and before the age of 40 is premature menopause. Perimenopause is the stage from the
beginning of menopausal symptoms to the post menopause.
Post menopause is the time following the last period, and is usually defined as more than 12 months with no periods in
someone with intact ovaries, or immediately following surgery if the ovaries have been removed.
· Drink 8 glasses of steam-distilled water daily.
· Take 800 mg. of evening primrose oil, three times a day.
· Vitamin E is also found to be effective in fighting the low levels of estrogen. Take 300 IU. of vitamin E a day.
· Take 2 teaspoons of cohosh root tincture, 1 teaspoon of don quai root tincture, 1 teaspoon of sarsaparilla tincture,
1 teaspoon of licorice root tincture, 1 teaspoon of chaste tree tincture, 1-teaspoon ginseng root tincture. Mix all the ingredients
and take 3 dropperfuls a day.
· Take 1 ounce of almond oil, 2 drops of geranium essential oil, one capsule of 1,000 IU of Vitamin E. Mix all the ingredients
and apply inside and outside the vagina twice a day to prevent dryness.
· Perform daily physical exercise, which reduces estrogen production and stress, and also reduces stagnation. It promotes
a healthy circulatory system and activates the liver.
· Learn to relax and reduce stress. Relaxation opens up blood vessels and relaxes different organs.
· Perform cleansing and strengthening of the liver in order to eliminate estrogen more efficiently.
· Avoid or minimize estrogen-containing foods or herbs. Foods that weaken the liver or kidneys should also be avoided.
· The combination of Chinese Bitters (taken before breakfast) and Fem-Mate (taken at bedtime) is very helpful for alleviating
hot flashes.
· Any woman experiencing disturbing symptoms during menopause should supplement her daily diet with 1,000 units of natural
vitamin D, 500 mg of magnesium, and obtain 2 gm of calcium daily, which can be supplied by one litre of milk.
· Beet juice has been found very useful in menopausal disorders. It should be taken in small quantities of 60 to 90 ml
at a time, thrice a day.
· A teaspoon of the carrot seeds should be boiled in a glass of cow's milk for about ten minutes and taken daily as medicine
in the treatment of this condition.
· One teaspoon of the liquorice powder should be taken daily. It helps to combat with the deficiency of the estrogen.
· The herb Indian spikenard is another valuable remedy for certain disturbances due to menopause. It should be given in
small doses of 2 gm daily
· Diet during the menopause should comprise of seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables, and fruits, with emphasis on vitamin E-rich
foods, raw and sprouted seeds and nuts, unpasturised high-quality milk, and homemade cottage cheese. An abundance of raw,
organically grown fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet. Plenty of freshly made juices of fruits and vegetables
in season should be added.
· All processed, refined, and denatured foods should be avoided.
· Avoid mental and emotional stresses and worries, especially worry about getting old; sufficient sleep and relaxation
is essential.