As the blood returns to the heart it passes through special thin walled vessels called veins. Unlike the tough strong arteries,
these vessels are easily distended. Blood flowing from the head and upper chest flows downward toward the heart. On the other
hand, blood coming from the lower extremities must flow upward. To make this possible nature has provided valves in the veins
so that the blood can flow only toward the heart, never in the other direction.
In human beings there are two sets of veins. The deeper veins are located within the muscles where they are given good
support. But the veins on the surface just under the skin have little support and are easily damaged. These surface veins
are often subject to inflammation or phlebitis.
In some people the veins in the legs are weak and may swell easily. Varicose veins, seems to run in families. Anything
that increases the pressure in the pelvis or abdomen may slow the flow of blood back to the heart from the lower extremities.
One frequent cause of varicose veins is pregnancy; other is obesity. Anything that increases the pressure within the veins
of the legs and thighs may weaken or break down the little valves, so that the veins become enlarged and the blood does not
finds its way back to the heart as it should.
Varicose veins are ugly, and sometimes they are dangerous. A blood clot forming within a greatly dilated vein may break
off and travel to the heart and lungs. This serious condition, known as pulmonary embolism, may actually cause death. Serious
hemorrhage may occur if a large varicose vein is torn open or cut. Some people have actually bled to death, not knowing what
to do in such emergency. Steady pressure over the bleeding point will usually control the bleeding. But one should avoid such
a danger by having the veins properly treated.
People with varicose veins first note swelling along the course of the veins, followed by muscle cramps and a tired feeling
in the legs behind the knees. In some cases the skin over the lower part of the leg may break down, forming a large, ugly
ulcer, which is often painful, especially when thrombophlebitis develops in the leg.
To avoid further trouble one should not wear any elastic bands around the legs. Varicose ulcers need special care. The
patient should rest in bed, with the legs elevated so that the heel is higher than the knee. Keeping the leg elevated will
reduce the swelling by helping the blood return to the heart.
· Elastic support stockings are recommended for the people suffering from varicose veins. Support stockings help your
leg muscles push blood upward by concentrating pressure near the ankles.
· Mix 12 drops each of cypress and geranium essential oils in four ounces of carrier oil such as almond, soy or sunflower.
Gently apply the mixture to the legs by stroking upward, in the direction of the heart. Don't massage directly on the veins.
· Massage oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) gently into an affected area. It may help stimulate circulation by
causing capillaries to dilate.
· Oils of cypress and chamomile (Matticaria recutita) may soothe swelling and inflammation and help relieve pain.
· Add whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, to your diet as often as possible. Eat plenty of blackberries and
cherries. They are rich in compounds that may prevent varicose veins or lessen the discomfort they cause.
· Vitamin A In the form of beta-carotene, 25,000 IU for skin integrity and to speed varicose ulcer healing.
Vitamin C and Bioflavonoids 1,000 to 5,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 100 to 1,000 milligrams of bioflavonoids in divided
daily doses to increase circulation, promote the healing of sores, and strengthen vein walls to prevent dilation.
· Sugar, salt, alcohol, fried foods, processed and refined foods, animal protein, cheeses, and ice cream should be avoided.
· Horse chestnut can be used both internally and as an external application for problems of venous circulation, including
varicose veins.
· Butcher's broom tons veins while reducing inflammation.
· Gotu Kola strengthens blood vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
· Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba) strengthens blood vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
· Hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata) strengthens blood vessels and improves peripheral circulation.
· Take 3 parts of Hawthorn berries, 2 parts of Yarrow 2 parts, 3 parts of Horsechestnut, 1 part of ginger and 2 parts
of prickly ash bark. Mix all the ingredients. 3 parts
· Ginger 1 part. Use two teaspoonfuls of the mixture. Infuse for fifteen minutes. Drink three times daily.
· Take two buckets tall enough to submerge the legs up to the knees. Fill one bucket with enough comfortably hot water
to cover the lower legs and the other bucket with the same amount of cold water. Add 2 tablespoons of Epsom salts per quart
of water or you can add aromatherapy oil to the water. Soak your feet and legs in the hot water for about three minutes, and
then immerse them in the cold water for about 30 seconds. Repeat three times, finishing with the cold soak. Perform this treatment
once a day for at least one month.
· Drink eight ounces of fresh berry or pineapple juice, alone or diluted with another fruit juice, once or twice a day.
· One or two glasses daily of fresh fruit or vegetable juices- especially any combination of apple, beet, carrot, celery,
citrus, parsley, or pineapple-and dietary supplements may be helpful in preventing and treating varicosities.
· Lying flat on the floor and resting the legs on a chair seat or straight up against a wall for 2 minutes drains blood
from swollen veins.
· Elevating the feet higher than the hips with a recliner or ottoman, and raising the foot of the bed a few inches, helps
blood flow back to the heart from the legs.
· Practice morning walk briskly or finish your day with a swim or bike ride.
· Apply a cloth saturated with apple cider vinegar on the varicose veins for 30 minutes twice a day. Follow this with
a drink of 2 teaspoons of the vinegar in a glass of water.
· Prepare a mixture by adding 2 cups of chopped calendula flowers, leaves, and stems into an equal amount of melted lard.
Let the mixture stand for 24 hours. Reheat and strain. Coat this over your varicose veins and let it stand overnight.
· Steep crushed, fresh violet leaves and flowers or marigold flowers in boiling water. Apply compresses of the liquid.
· Eat a few fresh marigold petals every day. This treatment is believed to shrink varicosities and nourish the veins.
· Prepare a poultice of bruised cabbage leaves, rotten apples, chopped brown onions, or a half-and-half blend of cod liver
oil and raw honey. Apply this overnight. This is believed to heal varicose sores.
· Add three tablespoons of sugar to one pint of warm water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Take two ounces
of this mixture everyday
· Rub your legs with full- strength vinegar. Mix two tablespoons of vinegar with honey and drink it.
· Periods of rest with your feet a few inches above your heart level let gravity work in your favor, helping pooled blood
drain from your legs.
· Avoid high heels in favor of flat shoes.
· Avoid standing for long periods of time. This will reduce pressure on the valves in the veins in your legs.
· While standing, get on your tiptoes by lifting your heels off the floor. Do this twenty times, relax for a few minutes,
and then repeat.
· Jump rope to strengthen the leg muscles and blood vessels. Begin slowly to build up tolerance; jump one minute per session
and slowly build up to 5 minutes.
· Take a teaspoon of Cayenne pepper in a cup of hot water three times a day. This will stop the pain in your legs and
reduce the varicose veins by making the blood flow better.
· Make a blend of half cod liver oil and half raw
honey, bandage, and leave on overnight.
· Alternating 2 minute icy-cold and very hot soaks (with 2 tablespoons of epsom salts per quart of water) for ten minutes
daily will stimulate circulation.
· Drink 3 cups of white oak bark tea daily.
· The herb marigold is valuable in varicose veins. A compress of this herb should be applied externally in the treatment
of this disease.
· Do not wear tight clothes because they restrict blood flow.