Eczema is a general term encompassing various inflamed skin conditions. In people with eczema, the inflammatory response to
irritating substances overacts, causing itching and scratching. Eczema is not contagious and, like many diseases, currently
cannot be cured. However, for most patients the condition may be managed well with treatment and avoidance of triggers.
Although eczema may look different from person to person, it is most often characterized by dry, red, extremely itchy
patches on the skin. Eczema is sometimes referred to as "the itch that rashes," since the itch, when scratched,
results in the appearance of the rash.
Eczema can occur on just about any part of the body; however, in infants, eczema typically occurs on the forehead, cheeks,
forearms, legs, scalp, and neck. In children and adults, eczema typically occurs on the face, neck, and the insides of the
elbows, knees, and ankles. In some people, eczema may "bubble up" and ooze. In others, the condition may appear
more scaly, dry, and red.
· Oatmeal bath is useful for patients suffering from eczema. For the bath, pour 2 cups of colloidal oatmeal into a tub
of lukewarm water
· Cotton clothing is the best for the skin and is much better than either wool or polyester, especially wool. Avoid synthetics
or itchy fabrics, as well as tight- or ill-fitting clothes.
·Daily bathing is not necessary, as it tends to make already dry skin even drier. Instead, you can sponge bathe the parts
of the body that really need it--the hands, face, neck, armpits and (for babies) the diaper area.
·A moisturizer or soap should be avoided as they can contain fragrances that will trigger a flare-up of eczema. Look for
products that are fragrance-free.
·Avoid overdressing your child unnecessarily at night, because getting too hot can make the rash worse.
·Stress can trigger eczema or make it worse. Try to reduce the stress.
·Make a paste by adding 1 tsp camphor to 1-teaspoon sandalwood and apply on the affected eczema areas.
·Make a paste by rubbing a nutmeg against a smooth stone slab with a little water and. Apply to affected eczema area.
·Apply Crisco 2-3 times a day is said to not only make you greasy, but eczema free.
·Coconut oil may be applied to the areas with eczema.
·Add carrot juice and spinach juice and apply to the affected area.
·Drink plenty of water and take fruit juices like orange.
·Make a paste by adding 1 tbls turmeric powder to a tbls of bitter neem leaves. Apply to the affected areas.
·Deficiency of vitamin B6 may also cause eczema. So increase your intake of vitamin B6.
·Evening primrose oil can also help. It contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is helpful in curing the
·Take watercress every day. It helps to cure the eczema, along with a daily drink of parsley, spinach, celery, and wheat
·Add 1 Tbsp. Vinegar,1 Tbsp. Honey. Mix together with water and drink all at once.
·Neem has been used for treating all sorts of skin problems for centuries. It contains Nimbidol and Gedunin, which have
excellent fungicidal properties. Crush some neem leaves and apply to the affected area. It will immediately give relief.
·Basil (tulsi) is extremely effective in treating skin disorders as it is a blood purifier and kills bacteria.
·Crush the garlic clove and mix it with half a cup of hot water in a pan. Soak a clean washcloth in the solution and then
apply to the affected areas only.
·Add five drops of castor oil in half a cup of any fruit or vegetable juice, or plain water, and take on an empty stomach
in the morning, is beneficial for any kind of skin disease.
·One or two bananas a day are useful for those who are allergic to certain foods and who consequently suffer from skin
rashes, such as in eczema.
·Foods which should be excluded from the diet are tea, coffee, chocolate, cola drinks, alcohol, sugar and products made
from it, refined cereals, meats, fish, chicken, tobacco, milk, cheese, butter, smoked and salted pickled foods, and foods
containing any chemical additives, preservatives and flavorings.
·Try to do some prevention techniques such as relaxation, exercise, meditation, and mind control.
·Grind: basil, one tablespoon of olive oil, two garlic cloves, salt and paper. Smear on the infected area.
·Mix 1/2 a tablespoon of turmeric and half a cup of water and drink.
·Eat pesto sauce: Grind basil leaves, add olive oil, garlic and some salt and pepper.
·Soak your feet in vinegar and hot water (1:4) for 20 minutes, twice a day.
·Dab some witch hazel with a cotton ball on the infected area several times a day.
·Fill up a warm tub and add walnuts leaves in. sit in the tub for a while. Do not add anything else.
·Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric to half a glass of water and drink.
·Squeeze basil leaves and apply on the infected area.
·Grind garlic and add the same amount of honey. Smear on the infected area, bandage and wrap with nylon before bed
time. In the morning take off the bandage and clean with alcohol. Do not apply water on. Repeat and put a clean bandage.
·The most important thing is to keep your feet dry. When you get out of the shower dry your feet with a hair dryer.
·Wear sandals, the sun will kill the eczema.
·If you wear socks make sure to change them every day.
·Soak a cotton wool pad in bleach and apply on nails 5-6 times a day. After 2 weeks you will notice the difference.
·Mix Red Henna with boiling water until you get a mixture, Smear on the afflicted area. Leave for 30 minutes and wash.
Repeat after 3-4 hours if needed. Also can repeat after 3-4 days if you still have the eczema.
·Apply watermelon peel on the eczema.
. Add 1 teaspoon camphor to 1 teaspoon sandalwood paste and apply on the affected areas.
. Rub a nutmeg (hard aromatic seed of an East Indian tree) against a smooth stone slab with a little water and make a
paste. Apply to affected area.
. Coconut oil may be applied to the portions with eczema. Carrot juice and spinach juice in combination is highly beneficial
for eczema. Drink plenty of water and take fruit juices like orange.
. Ingredients:
Instant Tea (however strong you like it)
1 Tbsp. Vinegar
1 Tbsp. Honey (made in your area is best)
Mix together with water and drink all at once.
. Its been reported that drinking tomato juice (not the cocktail) clears up the eczema in a matter of days. If you need
to, add some pepper or your favorite spice to give the juice flavor.
. Deficiency of vitamin B6 may also cause eczema. So increase your intake of vitamin B6.
. Evening primrose oil can also help. It contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is what eczema sufferers need. Try
skincare products with evening primrose oil, or get GLA through your diet by eating salmon two or three times a week or by
eating flaxseeds (or taking flax oil capsules), which you can buy at the health food store. In a blender or clean coffee grinder,
grind enough for two tablespoons a day and sprinkle on foods like cereal or potatoes. Both salmon and flaxseeds provide omega-3
fatty acids.
. A serving of watercress every day is said to keep eczema at bay, along with a daily drink of parsley, spinach, celery,
and wheat grass.
. Go to your local herb shop and buy some pine tar soap. Its really great for eczema.