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Cholesterol is a yellowish fatty substance and is one of the essential ingredients of the body.It is the principle ingredient
in the digestive juice bile, in fatty sheaths that insulate nerves and in sex hormones. It performs several functions such
as transportation of fat, providing defense mechanism, protecting red blood cells and muscular membrane of the body.
There are 2 types of cholesterol, Low density lipoproteins or LDL (bad cholesterol) and high density lipoproteins HDL
(good cholesterol). LDLs are responsible for plaque buildup in the arteries, this blocks the flow of blood to mayor organs
like the liver, the kidneys, genitals, brain and is the number one cause of heart disease.
Home remedies for cholesterol
1: Mix 1 tsp. of roasted chicory root.
1 tsp. of lime flowers.
½ tsp. of fenugreek seeds.
½ tsp. of ginger rhizome.
1 quart of water.
Boil all ingredients, let it cool, strain. Drink 2 cups a day.
2: Eat Garlic or take 1 capsule twice a day. It lowers LDL cholesterol level in 12% and increases HDLs.Arizona Natural
Products Garlic Time -- 180 Tablets
3: Niacin is particularly helpful in lowering cholesterol. However, inositol hexaniacinate is an even better and safer
form of niacin.
4: The patient suffering from high blood cholesterol should drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily as it stimulates
the excretory activity of the kidneys.
5: Onion juice reduces cholesterol level and works as a tonic. It cleans blood, helps digestive system, cures insomnia
and regulates the heart action & helps in lowering cholesterol.
6: Chromium is vital in the synthesis of cholesterol, fats and protein. Chromium maintains stable blood sugar levels through
proper insulin utilization and can be helpful for people with diabetes and/or hypoglycemia.
7: Regular drinking of coriander water also helps in lowering the blood cholesterol as it stimulates the kidneys.
8: Taking Vitamin C with bioflavonoids 4000 mg. a day lowers cholesterol.
9: Sunflower seeds are also highly beneficial in regulating the cholesterol levels.
10: Walking helps to reduce cholesterol levels to a great extent. Moreover it also helps to increase the good cholesterol,
which helps to prevent the heart disease. Regular physical exercise also plays an important role in lowering LDL cholesterol
and in raising the level of protective HDL.
11. Diet high in vitamin B6, choline and inositol are also effective in reducing blood cholesterol. Wheat germ and yeasts
are the rich sources.
12: Turmeric helps by lowering serum cholesterol and by preventing the formation of the internal blood clots improves
circulation and prevents heart disease and stroke.
13: Onion juice can be taken as cholesterol diet to reduce cholesterol, clean the blood, and regulate the heart.
14: Mix a teaspoon of powdered methi seeds in a glass of water and take in the morning on an empty stomach for a month.
15: Bran cereals are a very good source to reduce cholesterol. Eat some bran after each meal.
16: Lecithin is a fatty food substance and is found mostly in the phospholipids, is beneficial in case of increase in
cholesterol level. It breaks up cholesterol into small particles, which can be easily digested by the body. With sufficient
intake of lecithin, cholesterol cannot build up against the walls of the arteries and veins.
17: Another home remedy for cholesterol treatment is -prepare a mixture of a glass of water & 1-2 gms of powdered
cinnamon. Filter this mixture & add a spoon of honey to it. Drink this solution once a day for 15-25 days. This would
control cholesterol.
18: Prepare a solution by adding cactus and lemon and garlic. Drink one cup every day in the morning and in one-month
cholesterol will go down.
19: Boil 10 pieces of cinnamon sticks (2.5cm each) in 5 teacups of water and put a tablespoon of honey and drink this
when it is hot.
20. Ginger reduces cholesterol and thins the blood and thus improves the circulation.