Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis in men over 40 and affects approximately 3 times as many men as women.The
pain of gout (called attacks or flares) is caused by inflammation when needle-like crystals are deposited in connective tissue
and/or in the fluid that cushions the joint (the synovial fluid). These crystals are made up of uric acid, a substance produced
when the body breaks down purines found in human tissue and many foods we eat. Most uric acid is carried through the bloodstream
to the kidneys, which eliminate it from the body in the urine. However, if the body produces too much uric acid or if the
kidneys don't eliminate enough of it, uric acid can build up in the blood. This condition is called hyperuricemia and can
lead to gout attacks in some cases. However, in most cases, hyperuricemia does not lead to gout.
The pain becomes more severe as fluid collects in the joint space and in the surrounding soft tissues. The skin is tense,
hot, and shining, and is of a red or purplish color. The patient is likely to have chills and fever, a rapid pulse, and feelings
of general weakness. Severe attacks may continue for several weeks, milder attacks usually last only a few days. Repeated
attacks may occur each year, gradually becoming more severe and prolonged.
Any person suffering from acute joint pain who is otherwise healthy should be tested for gout. There are times when gout may
stimulate rheumatic fever, but this disease is more likely to attack larger joints, while gout tends to involve the smaller
· Avoid alcohol , protein , heavy foods , coffee and soft drinks in your diet. These foods cause uric acid levels to rise.
· Simple sugars, simple carbohydrates and saturated fats - they increase your body's production of uric acid and impair your
kidneys' ability to get rid of it. Eliminate fructose (found in food and drinks, like sodas).
· Eat foods high in potassium
· Lemon juice prevents gout attacks by stimulating the formation of calcium carbonate in the body.
· Taking ½ teaspoon of baking soda with meals will prevent gout attacks. This will help alkalize the body.
· Press and massage between the ball of the foot and the bottom of the big toe on each foot; then on the left foot only, stimulate
a point halfway between the base of the little toe and the heel pad.
· Alfalfa is a good source of minerals and other nutrients that help reduce serum uric acid.
· Add some rose hips to vinegar and boil; apply on affected area.
· Prepare a mixture by adding two teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar and raw honey in a glass of water and drink at mealtime.
· Soak the foot in a mixture of ½ cup of apple cider vinegar and three cups of hot water.
· Get some natural, concentrated black cherry juice and drink several tablespoons of the concentrate daily.
· Blueberries are high in anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins, which help to relieve the pain of gout.
· Buchu tea helps dissolve and flush out uric acid crystals.
· Soak a piece of white flannel in warm castor oil, wring it out and place over the affected area; cover with plastic wrap
and apply a heating pad. Do this for one hour twice daily.
· Boil one tablespoon of pepper in 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water and apply on the painful joint.
· Cook a tablespoon of celery seeds in two cups of water until they are soft; strain and drink 1/2 cup four times a day.
· Take ½-1 teaspoon of activated charcoal daily.
· Prepare a poultice using ½ cup of activated charcoal, 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed and warm water to excrete toxins
from the body.
· Eat several cloves of raw garlic daily.
· Put 1/3 cup of ground ginger in a bathtub of water and soak for 30 minutes. This will cause you to sweat, which will help
eliminate the uric acid from your tissues.
· Grapes are high in alkalines, which lessen the acidity of uric acid and helps in its elimination from the body.
· Apply an ice pack for ten minutes, and then alternate with a moist hot-towel compress, to soothe and numb the pain.
· Soak mullein leaves in a hot vinegar/water mixture. Pack the leaves on the affected area.
· Prepare a poultice of spearmint leaves and wrap the affected area.
· Eating a cup of strawberries with each meal should bring quick relief. They neutralize uric acid.
· Prepare a tea by using equal parts of yarrow and stinging nettles; strain, cool and drink several cups a day.
· Eat an apple after every meal.
· Take the juice of ½ a lime in 1 glass of water. Drink this morning, noon and night.
· Extract ½ a cup of juice of French beans (String beans). Drink this juice everyday for a month.
· Apply a frozen cabbage leaf to the area and cover with a dry towel. Leave in place until the leaf thaws out and repeat.
· Drinking lots of water will help kidneys flush out the excess uric acid.
· Meats having high protein content, such as fish (herrings, salmons and sardines), sweet bread, liver, kidney, milk extracts
and meat soup should be avoided.
. Cherries, strawberries, celery extract and apple cider vinegar are believed to reduce uric acid levels.
. Zinc is important in tissue repair.
. Fish oil capsules reduces the chances of gout.
. Vitamin B-Complex 50-100 mg. daily along with 500mg pantothenic acid (B5) in divided doses helps the body to convert
uric acid into harmless compounds.
. Vitamin C with biovlavonoids lowers serum uric acid levels.
. Vitamin E improves circulation. Deficiency can contribute to the formation of excess uric acid.
. Boswellia and turmeric have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Boswellia serrata is available in India as Guggul.
. Cayenne (capsicum) powder mixed with enough wintergreen oil to make a paste and applied to the affected areas, relieve
inflammation and pain.
.Ginger and turmeric are both anti-inflammatory and help to ease pain and swelling.
During an attack of gout, eat only raw fruits and vegetables for two weeks, juices are best. Fresh cherry juice is the best.
Include grains, seeds and nuts in your diet. Maintain a diet low in purines. Purine rich foods are shellfish, asparagus,
herrings, meat gravies, mushrooms, sardines, peanuts, yeast, sweetbreads. Avoid meat at all cost.
Enjoy foods like rice, millet, starchy vegetables, green vegetables, corn, fruits, eggs and nuts. Drink lots of water.