Occasionally, the female genital organs are infected with different types of fungus. They may sometimes occur during pregnancy,
probably because of the increased sugar content of the blood.
Women suffering from diabetes are more prone to have fungus infections. This may result in intense itching around the
genital organs, as well as thick discharge from the vagina. This is the result of use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, because
other useful organisms present in the vagina and rectum have been suppressed by these medicines.
Yeast infection can occur in any part of the body such as underarms, between toes, etc. in both men and women. Yeast infection
is not serious disease but it is very uncomfortable.
Vaginal yeast infections are caused by a fungus called Candida albicans, which is normally, found in small amounts in
the vagina but can overgrow when the vaginal pH balance changes from its normal acidic levels to a more alkaline one.
Your period, pregnancy, diabetes, birth control pills, steroids, and antibiotic use can cause this.
Yeast infections are also more common after menopause due to decrease in the estrogen levels, which thin the vaginal walls.
Important symptoms of yeast infections are itching and burning around the vagina, white vaginal discharge that may look
like cottage cheese, pain during sexual intercourse and burning with urination.
· Discontinue the use of antibiotic.
· Regularly apply apple cider vinegar in the areas prone to this infection. Your can add some garlic to stop the itchy
feeling; and water to dilute the vinegar concentration.
· Curds or yogurt is considered to be the best home remedies. Soak a tampon into curds and place it in the infected region
for at least an hour. Basically, the healthy required bacteria from the curds will replace the unhealthy yeast bacteria. This
could be repeated twice to thrice a day.
· Drink at least two glasses of buttermilk a-day, whether infected or not. Including curd in the daily diet reduces the
chances of yeast infection.
· Prepare a mixture of olive leaf extract with grapefruit seed extraction and a glass of water. It is a good curative
tonic for this infection.
· Take a fresh clove of garlic and carefully peel it. Make a little tampony thing by wrapping it in gauze or cheesecloth,
tying the ends with unwaxed dental floss, and leaving a bit of string dangling so you'll be able to pull it out afterward.
Now, insert it into your vagina. Don’t wo Instructions: In reading through these helpful lists, I oftentimes come
across solutions, but don't have the product suggested. So here is a list of things to try that have worked l is an effective
anti-yeast treatment and can be used straight.
· Mix equal parts of sage, raspberry or comfrey leaf, and mullein (optional), with 1/4 part goldenseal. Then make a tea
using 4 tablespoons of the herb mixture and a quart of boiling water. Steep for 15-20 minutes, remove the herbs, and let cool
to at least body temperature. Then add 2 tablespoons cider vinegar, and if you want to really go all-out, add 1-tablespoon
acidophilus powder or 1/4-cup yogurt. For milder infections, douche every other day until a day after symptoms disappear;
for more severe infections, use daily.
· To relieve vulvar itching, make a paste of slippery elm powder and a little water, and then apply as needed.
· Keep aloe Vera juice in the fridge, and then soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to your vulva as needed.
· Apply gentian violet on the vagina and the vulva. Wear a pad to avoid staining of the clothes. This works very fast.
· Dip a cotton tampon into a 3% solution (15 grams of Potassium Sorbate in one pint of water) and insert into the vagina
at night. Remove in the morning.
· Add one tablespoon of vinegar to one quart of water, and apply once a day.
· Wear loose cotton underwear or panties (no synthetic-fiber clothes). Don't wear panty hose, leggings, and tight jeans
every day.
· Avoid deodorant sanitary pads or tampons and feminine hygiene sprays, or bubble bath, especially if you feel an infection.
· Change out of wet clothes as soon as possible. Before changing, use your blow dryer on a low to dry your genital area.
· Wipe from front to back after every use of the toilet. This may prevent reaching the bacteria from rectum to your vagina.
· Sleep with no panties at all so the area can really air out.
· Do not keep your stomach empty for a long time.
· Insert 1 or 2 capsules of boric acid into the vagina and keep it there overnight for several nights. For some women
the boric acid may cause burning and discomfort for the first few days.
· Apply fresh garlic paste directly on the affected part of the body.
· Avoid refined and overly processed food, honey and dried fruits, all foods containing yeast (such as beer and yeasted
· Eat much more vegetables, salads and whole grain cereals.
· Drink plenty of water and juices during the day.